Where are the Bibleless Homes?

THEY MAY BE FOUND in a lonely mining village in the mountains of Japan, or perhaps they are the windswept hogans of the American Indians in New Mexico. It may be that the Bibleless home is under a rain-drenched palm roof in an obscure village in India. Then again, it may be just an average home on Main Street, U.S.A.

BIBLELESS HOMES are where you find them. Our Scriptures have been placed by our missionaries and evangelical pastors into the Bibleless homes of many a land. They have been placed with a prayer that the Holy Spirit, who inspired this book, would apply it to the hearts of sinful men.

PERHAPS SOME of the Bibleless homes in the world are within the shadow of your church. Have you shown concern for the lost and dying in your community?

WHY NOT WRITE us today! We have Testaments, Bibles, and Scripture Portions for distribution in your community project or mission outpost.

DID YOU SEE the Bible League’s new film, RED TIDE? This motion picture depicts the story of the little red Testament from the printing presses of the world’s largest Bible publisher to Spanish-speaking homes in Mexico and Cuba.