Saved By Grace

“For by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory.” Ephesians 2:8,9

God loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses! And this love was the moving cause of his mercy. He does not love because he pities, but he pities because he loves. On account of that great love we were made alive with Christ.

Already we have experienced a resurrection! As our lifeless bodies shall one day be raised in a physical resurrection, so our spiritually lifeless souls were quickened in a spiritual resurrection. As members of the body of Christ we already have this spiritual life. It is a fact of our present experience, for he dwells in us by his Spirit. By the Holy Spirit he quickened wand bestowed upon us the beginning of his glorious resurrection life. As the blood of Christ is the fountain of all merit, so the Spirit of Christ is the fountain of all spiritual life. Until the Holy Spirit regenerates us we cannot exercise faith in Christ. God alone, then, is the source of our salvation. It is he alone who, rich in mercy, makes us alive. The Bible knows nothing of a cooperative salvation. A dead person cannot assist in his own resurrection.

Do not overlook the word “For” at the beginning of verse 8. It tells us that our salvation by grace is a reason for something expressed earlier in the context. In verse 7 we read, “that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.” That God might do that he saved us by grace.


It is free grace, for the blessings it brings are free gifts. They are not given in consideration of worthiness or goodness on our part. We have no worthiness or goodness. There is nothing in us upon the basis of which we can claim the blessings of Christ.

It is free grace, for the blessings it brings are free gifts. They are not given in consideration of worthiness or goodness on our part. We have no worthiness or goodness. There is nothing in us upon the basis of which we can claim the blessings of Christ.

It is sovereign grace. God is the absolute monarch of the universe. His hands are tied by no Cabinet, no Congress, no Parliament. His Word is law in his own kingdom. He does whatever he pleases and whenever he pleases and whenever he pleases in his own kingdom (cf. Romans 9:18).

Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding!

Ransomed souls, the tidings swell;

‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding; 

Who its breadth or length can tell?

On its glories

Let my soul for ever dwell.

It is invincible grace, It cannot be defeated. The operation of the Holy Spirit in the soul of a sinner is the operation of an Almighty Person carrying out an unchangeable decree. Jesus said, “All that the Father giveth me shall rome unto me” (John 6:37). When Jesus says “shall” he means just what he says. What confidence that inspire, in the heart of every preacher and teacher of the Gospel! Behold the God who cannot be frustrated!

It is transforming grace. To transform a sinner means to change his character. That is what God’s saving grace does. It turns sinners into saints. It changes profane people into pious people.

“Through faith. And that not of yourselves. it is the gift of God.” We do not originate that faith. God gives it, as he must give everything else in salvation. The eye that sees salvation in the person and work of the Son of God, the ear that hears the good now, of tho Gospel. the hand that lays hold upon the Savior, are all of God. He open, the eyes the ears, the heart. He makes Christ real to us. The motions of sin within us are ours. The movements of grace are his.

Because it is all of God we have nothing of which we can boast. “Where then is the glorying?” asks Paul. “It is excluded” (Romans 3:21). Not unto us, a God; not unto us, but to thy name be the glory!

Naught have I gotten but what I received;

Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed;

Boasting excluded, pride I abase;

I’m only a sinner saved by grace.


Eternal God. whose holy law we all have flouted. humble us in heart and soul and mind, that we may put down every high thought and haughty imagination, and with deepest gratitude may contemplate the riches of thy grace. Amen.