An Apostle of Jesus Christ

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God…” Ephesians 1:1 All Scripture is equally inspired, but not all Scripture is equally impor­tant. First Corinthians 15:3 obviously is more important as a statement of truth than is I Chronicles 11:22. With this issue we are commencing a series of devotional studies of a section […]

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Timely Topics…

This issue of Torch and Trum­pet introduces a number of changes, both in appearance and con­tent, which have been under con­sideration for several months. The reader will notice that nothing of value has been discarded but that many features have been added as regular departments. These were de­ signed to make the paper enjoyable and […]

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Those Five Talents…

When Jesus wanted to teach his disciples a lesson on the use of gifts bestowed on men by their heavenly Father, he told the story of the talents. When a rich nobleman went on a journey, he entrusted his property to his servants. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each […]

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Do Christian Schools Brainwash?

The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. through one of its spokesmen has joined the ranks of those who publicly condemn parochial and Christian schools. Read the answer and the countercharge in this article. Rev. Ganse Little, president of the board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., urged the church’s assembly general this past summer […]

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The Purpose of the Lord’s Supper

For the celebration of the Lord’s Supper it is of the utmost import­ance that we make sure that we come in a worthy manner, otherwise we may eat and drink judgment to ourselves instead of receiving a blessing from the Lord. It is for this reason that the Word of God admonishes us to ex­amine ourselves […]

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Our Reasonable Faith

Geology, for instance, revealed that the lower and higher sorts of animals do not follow each other in sequence but as a matter of fact existed alongside of each other ages ago. Paleontology did not come up with a single piece of conclusive evidence for the existence of transitional types between the several species of […]

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Genesis One and Natural Science

This timely article is a review of the book entitled, Is There a Conflict Between Genesis 1 and Natural Science? by Dr. N.H. Ridderbos of ti,e Netherlands. The reviewer presents “three strong arguments” against the “literary framework” theory in explanation of Genesis 1—a theory held also by Dr. Lever of the Free University. Those interested in the subject […]

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The Reader Speaks

A Student Looks at Paul Tillich PETER BREEDVELD If somebody would tell you that one of America’s greatest minds will speak in your community, about one of the most interesting topics you can think of, you no doubt would be interested to listen to it. This was the case in Grand Rapids when Dr. Paul […]

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The Audacity of Christianity

Excerpt from commencement address given at Westminster Theological Seminary in May of this year. Let us look once again at the truth of the fact of the bodily resurrection of Christ as that gripped the apostles. Are we to think of this truth simply as a specific and carefully defined item handed to the apostles much […]

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