Public Schools are Cheaper

The title of this editorial is often given as an excuse by parents for passing up Christian education for their children. It seems to be a self-evident statement of truth and the very essence of common sense. After all, public education is free while Christian Schools are very expensive. The truth of the matter is […]

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Praising God

“Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord. Praise the Name of the Lord.” Psalm 113:1  Psalm 113 occupies a special place in the Psalter, the book of worship for the nation of Israel. It is the first part of what is called the “Hallel” the Book of Praise, which runs from Psalm 113–118. […]

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“I’ll show you all the beauty you possess, if you only let yourself believe that we born innocent…” I can hear my radio now, as Sarah McLachlan catechizes American culture with her mantra that we are inherently beautiful and born innocent. Then again, we already believed that anyway. One of the problems of our culture […]

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The Anointed Savior [I]

“I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) Many people may think that the name “Christ” is a nickname, or that it is perhaps the last name Jesus of Nazareth. […]

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Sound Bites -1987

January 1987 “Pro-life voters are often criticized for being single issue voters. But, is there any issue more basic than life itself?” Needed: Christian Activists Laurie Vanden Heuvel February 1987 “Matthew 18 applies to private sins and personal grievances. It does not apply to ecclesiastical decisions of a public nature nor writings in the church […]

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In the course of our exposition of the new perspective on Paul, we noted the important role played by E. P. Sanders’ treatment of Second Temple Judaism. According to Sanders, the Judaism of the apostle Paul’s day taught and practiced a pattern of religion that he terms “covenantal nomism.” Covenantal nomism regards the covenant relationship […]

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Report on the URCNA (Part 2)

The Overtures It seems best to continue by dealing with the overtures in the order in which they appeared in the agenda. Overtures 1 and 2 were brought with the intention of changing the church order in very specific ways. Overture #1, coming from classis Western Canada, asked to add two words to the text […]

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General Synod Chatham 2004 of the Canadian Reformed Churches existed for two weeks (Feb.10 – 21, 2004). The delegates had been chosen by regional Synods East and West, but most certainly felt themselves appointed by God to deliberate and decide on all the issues put before them. Surely each individual member felt themselves inadequate to […]

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The Riches Of The Reformed Faith (I): Introduction

As we begin this series of studies entitled, “The Riches of the Reformed Faith”, I would like to share two preliminary principles with you. First of all, please know that throughout this series it is by no means my intention to “bash” or to in any way “disrespectfully denigrate” any other Christian faith tradition. I […]

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Given the many warnings found in the New Testament concerning heresy creeping into the church (Acts 20:28–30; Galatians 1:6; 1 Timothy 4:1–2; 2 Timothy 4:25; 2 Peter 2:1–3; Jude 4), we should not be surprised to find such a warning here among the letters to the seven churches in Revelation. What we have here in […]

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