Needs Which Our Wives Need Met at Home (1) – Time

Some years ago one of the elderly members of our congregation shared with me the fact that he and his wife had been married for over 50 years and had never had a single argument. Although I am rather gullible and really quite naïve, I could still hardly believe what he had said! So, I […]

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Needs Which Wives Need Met At Home (2)

In Part 1 of this series entitled, “Needs Which Our Wives Need Met At Home”, we set forth and summarized these three needs with the acrostic T-L-C: Time; Love; and Communication. Having previously addressed the need of our wives for “Time which results in God-honoring, Christ-centered companionship and compatibility”, we now consider a second need […]

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Needs Which Wives Need Met At Home Part Three

Thus far in this series of studies concerning “Needs Which Our Wives Need Met At Home”, we have considered the fact that we must give to our wives the gift of Time –Time which results in God-honoring, Christ-centered companionship and compatibility. Secondly we considered the gift of LOVE which our wives also desperately need and […]

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The Riches Of The Reformed Faith (I): Introduction

As we begin this series of studies entitled, “The Riches of the Reformed Faith”, I would like to share two preliminary principles with you. First of all, please know that throughout this series it is by no means my intention to “bash” or to in any way “disrespectfully denigrate” any other Christian faith tradition. I […]

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The Sovereignty Of God

The Sovereignty of God, which Dr. Fred Klooster defines as that which “expresses the very nature of God as all-powerful and omnipotent, able to accomplish his good pleasure, carry out his decreed will, and keep his promises” is very clear when we see our Sovereign God actively at work in CREATION (ie. as our Creator); […]

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In his excellent book entitled, Spirit Wars: Pagan Revival in Christian America, Dr. Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA, writes: In just one generation, Judeo-Christian America has become an incubator of revived paganism. Behind the dazzling diversity of pro-choice culture – abortion rights, the homosexual agenda, radical feminism, the […]

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II Timothy 2:15 reads as follows: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Our Arminian Brothers and Sisters have historically taken this passage and literally “divided up” God’s Word into several “dispensations”. Dispensations were largely popularized in the 1909 edition of […]

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