People listen to Dr. Laura. The ratings for Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s radio show have shot up, ward faster than any program in the history of talk radio. Her books, too, have racked up remarkable sales. How has Dr. Laura attracted such multitudes of listeners and readers? She doesn’t do it by flattering the people who […]
Authority is often thought of in negative terms. One would ask why. The answer is two-fold. Authority is often despised because of the frequent abuse of authority. Sadly, it happens often, that one In authority over others abuses his power. We will speak about that in a future installment. A second reason authority is often […]
The Los Angeles public school system is the latest in a growing number of education monopolies to declare intellectual bankruptcy. School administrators announced last week that 350,000 students, about half of the student body, are failing to make the grades necessary for promotion, but most won’t be held back for fear they would clog up […]
Although this article addresses Canadian politics, it is equally applicable to the United States. The task of government to provide a context in which righteousness can thrive. Times have changed. Canada is now a pluralistic, secular, post-Christian society with people of many dIfferent religious persuasions. Relativism, cynicism, hedonism, and overt materialism are rampant. The notion […]
In John’s visions the seventh trumpet has already sounded. Heaven’s choirs are resounding with the songs of victory. But for the instruction of His people the Lord Jesus supplies what He knows we need. He sketches now, before the consummation of all things is revealed, the course of His church in history. And that pilgrimage […]
Revelation 12:1–6 By this time much of the “drama” of our Lord’s dealings with the world has been set forth. How comforting those earlier chapters were for believer’s in the closing years of John’s life. And even now, centuries later, they provide a peace which passes all understanding as the winds of sin and war […]
Revelation 12:7–12 Ever since Plato’s day philosophers have been dreaming about a “Utopia.” All of them look for a “new” world with everyone enjoying peace, plenty and prosperity. Men need only unite in offering homage to science, evolutionary development, progress, brotherhood and—above all else—the spirit of democracy. To such dreams Holy Scripture gives the lie. […]
Revelation 12:13–17 So important is chapter 12 for the right understanding of the rest of Revelation that we devote three lessons to it. Here the emphasis falls on “wilderness.” Throughout much of the world such places are still found. They are largely uninhabited. Little that can sustain human life grows there. Nor are there well-marked […]
There was once a young boy who lived near a lake, and the boy loved to fish. He would sit for hours with his cane pole and a can of worms. He often caught quite a few fish—perch and sunfish—and almost all the fish were small. He would take the fish home for his family […]
When Jeff Steinberg was born, his father ordered that the mother be told nothing about the little boy’s condition. Jeff had no arms, and his legs were so malformed that they could not support him. His boyhood was spent in hospitals and homes, including one period in a foster home and a short, unsatisfactory stay […]