The Age of the Earth by John W. Klotz, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology at Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Illinois Published by the Student Service Commission of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod In booklet form Professor Klotz has done a nice job of discussing some of the problems relative to the age of the […]
Besides the regular elements in our worship on the Lord’s Day, there are special occasions, which bring delight to the pious heart. One of these is the administration of the sacrament of baptism. Those who understand the sacraments find in them a great deal of comfort. I say, […]
A Sample of Ecumenical Agitation The existence of separate Christian denominations is widely deplored in our time, if we may be permitted to express an opinion so obviously true as scarcely to warrant mention. “Ecumenicism” is the impressive word coined out of this impatience with ecclesiastical boundaries, and it is often on most every churchman’s lips these […]
John Calvin and Educational Reform Dr. W. Stanford Reid (Professor of History at McGill University, Montreal) has written a stimulating article on “Calvin and the Founding of the Academy of Geneva” (Westminster Theological Journal, November, 1955, pp. 1–33). Calvin is known of course for his reformation of the church, but not so much for the reformation […]
This is a replica of the badge which permitted one to be an observer at the White House Conference on Education recently held in Washington D.C. In this capacity John Vander Ark and I, representing the National Union of Christian Schools, were privileged to attend the conference which arrested the attention of the nation as […]
In all this theorizing there is a tacit assumption that in man Evolution has had its last word:–it has nothing further or better to offer—which some might take to be a tacit admission that Evolution is a spent force, no longer to be reckoned with. The doctrine that man is Evolution’s ne plus ultra is, […]
Dear Editors: For quite some time 1 have debated whether or not I should request space to present my reflections on an article in the November issue of your magazine. It is the article of Dr. P. Y. De Jong, found on page 3. I cannot resist the impulse. Especially since the writer suggests that […]
Heilsgchiedenis en Heilige Schrift van het Nieuwe Testament HERMAN RIDDERBOS (J.H. Kok, Kampen, f 3.90, pp. 147) Dr. Herman Ridderbos is professor in the Theological School in Kampen, Netherlands. This book is the most recent to appear from his facile pen. It deals with the authority of the New Testament. In this book Professor Ridderbos considers the perennial problem of […]