In all this theorizing there is a tacit assumption that in man Evolution has had its last word:–it has nothing further or better to offer—which some might take to be a tacit admission that Evolution is a spent force, no longer to be reckoned with. The doctrine that man is Evolution’s ne plus ultra is, […]
The admonition, that all things, including Christianity, must change or perish, has, it would seem, been taken seriously by many theologians. It is, indeed, true that even prior to the epiphany of Darwinism theological circles had not been entirely free from feelings of embarrassment because of the prominence of the supernatural element in historic Christianity. The […]
In the science of genetics we have not only a precise science which, thanks to careful experiment and observation, has demonstrated that all heredity is governed by definite laws, but we have also a science whose results confirm the biblical teaching that all living things reproduce “after their kind” (Genesis 1): the offspring of roses are […]
Charles Darwin was not the inventor of the idea of Evolution, but it was he, more than anyone else, who first popularized it by the publication of his book The Origin of Species in 1859. The transformation produced in the thought of the Western world by the evolutionary theory and its advocates was both rapid and […]