Christmas Riches

2 Corinthians 8:9: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” Have you heard the story about a lady who bought a painting of the Madonna, the Child, and two saints, at […]

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The Sabbath Institution (II): Its Observance

It is sometimes said, and it is said by good men, we do not now, under this economy, observe the Sabbath as strictly as was required of the people of Israel under the Old Testament. This statement of the case needs examination, and careful distinction must be made if we are to assess it properly. […]

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What Teenagers Really Want

Southern California teachers, disgusted by the wave of violence among teenagers, set off on a tour of 50 cities to interview adolescents in an attempt to discover the causes and possible cures. Forty-nine-year-old Howard Haas and forty-eight-year-old Alex Aitcheson conducted what they called a “Children’s Crusade,” talking to the teens from various economic and social […]

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Preparing the Church for the 21st Century

We have been hearing much about the need to prepare for Y2K. Will the computer systems of our country and the world be ready for the dramatic challenges they face as the midnight hour approaches? Industry, banking, service organizations, churches, and other institutions have been warned to be certain that their hardware and software are […]

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Revelation 7:9–17 Often the Bible makes astounding statements. At times these even seem to be contradictory. Reflect for a moment on what it teaches about the number of “the saved.” On the one hand we hear that only a few belong to this company. In the days of the flood only Noah and his family […]

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Revelation 8:1 Few passages in Scripture seem as surprising as this one. Here throughout the heavenly courts silence reigns. Hardly would we expect this. Heaven, so the Bible teaches, is the place of ceaseless praise. All the angels with the living creatures and the saints, sometimes successively and then in unison, raise their voices to […]

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Revelation 8:2–6 Here the writer introduces us once more to the angels. From them we can learn much about how the Lord God delights to be served. Far too often our Christian lives are one-sided. In a devotional book, much esteemed a century ago, Abraham Kuyper wrote about “three little foxes” who often despoil the […]

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Revelation 8:7–13 Often we are amazed at the overwhelming beauty in creation. Here are majestic mountains and surging seas; fertile fields and forests and flowers which grace our gardens. But this is only one half of the story. Soon we discern deterioration caused either by natural catastrophes or human activities. Every day we see signs […]

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Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Did you know that there is a pastor in the Triad who is using the book of Nostradarnus as a resource for his preaching? He’s also predicted that the return of Christ will be next year and World War III will commence before the end of this year. Believe it or not his congregation is […]

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