Of all Men Most Miserable?

I Corinthians 15 is the great chapter on the resurrection of the body. The apostle Paul bases the resurrection of the body on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. But he does so in a strikingly interesting way. He asks us the readers to consider what our situation would be if Christ had […]

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A Ringing Call to Repentance

It is too bad that the books of the Old Testament in our English translations are not arranged in the same way that they are in the Hebrew Bible. If they were, the Old Testament would end with II Chronicles, and Matthew would begin where II Chronicles leaves off. II Chronicles ends with a devastating […]

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Today’s TV is Nothing but Legal Voyeurism

That’s it! I’ve had enough. In fact, I am basically quitting. No, I’m not going to become iconoclastic and throw the thing out the window, but I sure won’t be spending much time putting my brain in neutral and just watching as I used to do. This has been coming on for some time. Yes, […]

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In previous articles we have taken some brief penetrating looks at one of the fundamental elements of the corporate worship of God—the hymn, its tune, its text, its Biblical precedent as a vehicle for praise. But simply an intellectual awareness of these facts is not enough to call forth from an assembled congregation, weary and […]

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Killing us Softly with their Song

How appropriate that in the 24th anniversary month January of Roe vs. Wade, which denied the right to life to an unborn baby, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether individuals have a constitutional “right to die.” As with abortion, “hard cases” are trotted out by the “death-with-dignity” crowd as leverage against whatever resistance […]

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How Old is the Earth?

Some years ago I got involved in a discussion with some colleagues, presumably friends, about the age of the earth. In the course of our discussion (debate, maybe?), I offered the proposition that the earth was relatively young and certainly not millions or billions of years old. As one form of proof, I suggested that […]

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Christ our Starting Point

As long as the Christian lives in the “present evil age,” he will struggle to focus his life completely on Christ. Christ Himself referred to the Christian’s struggle in His kingdom parables. Although the fulfillment of the kingdom of God begins with the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, the believer must understand that […]

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Lessons from Haggai #11

“‘On that day I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel…and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosesn you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:23) God here stresses His care over the ruler of the nation, Zerubbabel, in the midst of international upheavals. God would make him like a “signet ring.” […]

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Israel and the Church (II)

GOD’S ONE PURPOSE OF SALVATION FOR HIS PEOPLE The basic reason dispensationalism wrongly speaks of the church as a “parenthesis” in history or of the “postponement” of the kingdom, is that it fails to see that God has one purpose of salvation for His people in the old and new covenants. Contrary to the dispensationalist […]

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The Erasmian Imulse (II)

In Luther’s refutation of Erasmus, “The Bondage of the Will,” Luther attacked the theological impulse behind Erasmus’ defense of free will. That impulse, Luther believed, undermined the Bible’s authority and distorted the character of God as revealed in the Bible. Luther insisted on strong assertions of Christian truth against the tolerant and skeptical approach of […]

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