Lessons from Haggai #11

“‘On that day I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel…and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosesn you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:23)

God here stresses His care over the ruler of the nation, Zerubbabel, in the midst of international upheavals. God would make him like a “signet ring.” The signet ring was a symbol of authority; it was used like a signature or a seal today, used to authenticate something. It was worn on a ruler’s finger or on a cord around his neck (guarded thus with his person).

Zerubbabel was going to be like that to God, who was placing him on His finger or hanging him around His neck so that, though heaven and earth were shaken, Zerubbabel would be safe. He would be secure to fulfill his God-appointed destiny.

God had rejected Zerubbabel’s grandfather, King Jehoiachin (Jer. 22–24), but is now renewing the Messianic promise to Zerubbabel and his family as descendants of David. The promise made to David, “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever” (II Sam. 7:16), is revived in Zerubbabel.

He, like all of us, was not thus blessed by God because of any merit of his own, but because God said “I have chosen you.” Oh, the marvelous grace of God! Those whom He has chosen are eternally secure.

The honor bestowed on Zerubbabel was not realized in him as a person, but in his office and lineage as ancestor to Jesus Christ. Christ is the signet ring in whom all God’s purposes are seated. After the final shaking of the nations, the unmovable, unshakable kingdom of Jesus Christ will be established, and He shall be all in all.

In expectation of that glorious day, may we be encouraged by the message of Haggai to build the spiritual Temple of the Lord, strong in Him and His promises.

Elaine Monsma