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The Grief of Jesus

“Jesus wept.” John 11:35. Jesus is standing outside Bethany. Mary has just said, “Lord, if you hadst been here, my brother had not died.” With the friends who have come with her, she stands there weeping. Faced with this scene, Jesus “groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.” Presently he is overcome with sorrow and breaks into tears. […]

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The Importance of the Organized Church

EVERY believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is a member of His mystical body. That is the unmistakable teaching of Holy Scripture. His very faith constitutes the believer a member of Christ’s body. And since that body is identical with what theologians call the invisible church, it may be put down as an indisputable fact that every true […]

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Living the Covenant Life in Our Families

QUlTE generally men throughout the ages have conceded the fundamental importance of the home for human life. Although perhaps more widespread and conscious in Christian lands, this emphasis has by no means been limited to those countries which have traditionalIy been exposed the gospel of God’s grace in Christ’s Jesus. Even those who do not […]

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God’s Freemen

REFORMED piety is a free piety. This we stated explicitly in our first article. (Volume I, No.4). But since then we have developed two other characteristics of Reformed piety. characteristics also mentioned in the first article. In the first place we were quite emphatic about it that true piety is a piety of law of recognition of the […]

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Sound But Not Safe?

Hebrews 6:4–6, long considered a very difficult passage, is explained carefully and interestingly by John Vriend, graduate student at the University of Michigan. The burden of this exposition is that those who are within the territory of the Covenant and thus under the discipline of preaching and sacrament ought to “give the more earnest heed […]

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Sex Morality for Soliders

In this concluding article in the series: God and the War, it is my intention to deal specifically with one very real aspect of the soldier’s life. This is something to which the government itself gives a large measure of attention and time. While the soldier is in training it is required that he shall be indoctrinated regularly (at […]

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Flood Geology

The Holy Spirit has given to mankind in the book of Genesis a rather detailed account of one of the greatest catastrophes in the history, of the human race. Is there anyone among us who has not at some time or other been deeply moved by the story of the flood? The picture of a dove returning […]

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Christianity Without the Cross

By THE REV. J. G. VOS, Th.M. VI. Christianity Without the Cross NOTE: This is the sixth of a series of articles on common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to orthodox Christianity. The Substitutionary Atonement of Christ “The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience and sacrifice of Himself, which He through the eternal Spirit once offered […]

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Book Reviews

RENAISSANCE TO REFORMATION, by Albert Hyma. Published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1951, 591 pages, price $6.00. Sometimes we like to think of the Reformation as striking transalpine Catholicism with the precipitate abruptness of a flash flood. Luther’s tack hammer reverberates like thunder in our ears. Hyma says, Not so! The movement […]

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