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Amusement is usually the best way to react to to the gags and the pranks that are pulled off on a college campus. They can really be quite funny, often with a good measure of imaginativeness. The blend of industry, genius and mock-heroics that goes into many of these campus jinks can be highly amusing. This attitude […]

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The Identity of Satan

Two remarks must be made at the very outset of this series of articles. First of all, few areas of Biblical thought have been so resolutely ignored by the main stream of Protestant theology as the subject of demonology. And second, not since the days of the Church Fathers has there been such a serious interest […]

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The Editor’s Page…

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” This query of Israel’s sacred singer is one which keeps ringing through the souls of Christian believers in our day. It is not a question prompted by pessimism; rather is it a challenging call to look to the God of the covenant who loves righteousness and […]

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Are Our Christian Schools in Danger?

For many years now we have seen Christian School buildings standing in prominent places in our communities. These have become familiar landmarks for us. We speak lovingly of them as “our schools” because there we were first introduced to the disciplines of learning from a Christian viewpoint. Concerning them we have countless precious memories. Strange as it may […]

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Kuyper on the American Church Scene

Abraham Kuyper and other Calvinist leaders in the Netherlands who shared his views and followed his lead have recently come under sharp criticism for continuing the mistaken medieval tradition of trying to achieve or maintain the ideal of a single religious-political community. They have been called “Christian sacralists.” Our immigrants who have come especially to Canada in […]

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It is an undeniable fact that we live in times in which old problems concerning the character of the confessional standards of the Church and the churches are revived or repeated with new strength. Old problems! – for since the days of Semi-Arians and the Arminians these problems have never been absent; but in a new form, for our time […]

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THE RESPONSIBILITY OF STEWARDSHIP It can hardly be denied that the Bible establishes the right of private property and the responsibility of the individuals who possess it. It is God who gives us all things to enjoy and in giving us our possessions he at once also confronts us with the responsibility of stewardship. Private property and responsible […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

PRELIMINARY REMARKS One of the most fascinating and rewarding studies in my life-time has been the study of the Canons of Dordt. Going over them and over them only adds to the delight. Believe it or not, their contents are most relevant to the theological issues of today. Teaching them is an adventure in discovering how […]

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A Look at Books

CHURCH GROWTH IN CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN NIGERIA by John B. Grimley and Gordon E. Robinson. Eerdmans, 1966, 374 pages. This is actually two books in one volume. The first is Church Growth in Central Nigeria by John B. Grimley. The second is Church Growth in Southern Nigeria by Cordon E. Robinson. The authors did their research […]

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