The Bible tells us of only one devil, but of legions of demons. The name “devil” is reserved for Satan, hut allied with him in his destructive work are unnumbered legions of wicked, fallen angels called “demons” of whom Satan is head or king (Revelation 9:11). Much greater attention has been paid to the demons than […]
Missions, someone has once said, is the lifeblood of Christ’s church. It is therefore not surprising that also the Christian Reformed synod of 1967 gave attention to this great work which Christ has laid upon it. Although not a synod which was primarily and pre-eminently concerned with this aspect of the church’s ministry, it did take […]
In these pages the Rev. R.R. De Ridder, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center IA, continues his series on CHRIST, THE CHRISTIAN AND SATAN which was begun a few issues ago. This material, as many will remember, was first presented in lecture form to the faculty and students of Juan Calvino […]
Two remarks must be made at the very outset of this series of articles. First of all, few areas of Biblical thought have been so resolutely ignored by the main stream of Protestant theology as the subject of demonology. And second, not since the days of the Church Fathers has there been such a serious interest […]
“Since foreign mission work is beyond the scope and resources of the congregations and classes, it demands the cooperation of all the churches and is therefore to be performed under the auspices of synod” (Article 81a of the Proposed Revised Church Order). The synod of 1963 of the Christian Reformed Church will consider and be […]