WHEN ORTHODOXY IS SILENT The curse of orthodoxy today is the silence of its advocates, whether they be in labor, politics, or religion. Many a labor union has become nauseatingly corrupt because of the good people in them—because the good people rarely attended the union meetings and rarely spoke up. Similarly, many a church has […]
One of the best books we have ever read in the early years of our ministry is entitled ORTHODOXY AND HETERODOXY. The author is the late Dr. William G.T. Shedd, Presbyterian divine, professor at Union Seminary, a Christian teacher with an exceptionally keen mind and an amazing erudition. […]
“O God of Jacob” (Psalm 84:8b) These few words which constitute our text are part of a verse which reads as follows: “O Jehovah God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob.” There are several reasons why we should give attention to this statement. Why does not the poet say in […]
Because a lack of cognizance and rightful introspection too often proves deadly to a people, a group, or a movement, it may be well to look at the Christian Reformed Church through the eyes of an “outsider,” who is now at one with the proponents of Calvinistic theology. The question, and rightly so, commonly asked […]
A theological liberal has vigorously criticized E. J. Carnell’s Case for Orthodox Theology (Philadelphia, 1959) because of inconsistency toward Scripture. The review states: Carnell feels that…even though the Old Testament appears to contradict both science and itself, and though much of its content lacks revelatory power…we must believe that in. some sense the original writings were […]
Dear Friends: From time to time you have been able to read of the Reformed Churches of Australia and their attempts to give a faithful and true witness of and for our Sovereign Lord. We trust you will hear more of this in the future. For two reasons: first, Australia is a strategic center in […]
What would you do if you were given a bank account of eighty-six thousand dollars a day? If each morning there would be eighty thousand dollars on your bank account and each evening what you had not used that day would be gone? At the end of each day your account would be blank. Of course, if […]
Dear Editor of TORCH AND TRUMPET: When a man is confused on an issue, it is either caused by his own inability to do clear thinking, or it is caused by others to whom the person has been looking up as leaders. I’m referring to the issue of the Infallibility of the Word of God. Permit […]
The Calvinistic Concept of Culture by Henry R. Van Til Published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 245 pages, $4.50. This is one of twenty-five Choice Evangelical Books of 1959. These books were selected by the editorial staff of Christianity Today because they “propound evangelical perspectives in a significant way, or apply biblical doctrines […]
AUTHOR Index: Bouma, O. C.– “The Religious Situation In Australia” No. 4, page 19 Crewdson, Jane “Always Thankful” No. 6, page 31 Danhof, R. J. – “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 1), No. 2, page 13 “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 2), No. 3, page 9 De Jong, Peter – (Book Review) “Unity end Disunity of […]