Index of Volume IX


Bouma, O. C.– “The Religious Situation In Australia” No. 4, page 19

Crewdson, Jane “Always Thankful” No. 6, page 31

Danhof, R. J. – “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 1), No. 2, page 13 “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 2), No. 3, page 9

De Jong, Peter – (Book Review) “Unity end Disunity of the Church” No. 9, page 17

De Jong, W. A. “What Foreign Language Should our Christian Schools Teach?” No. 1, page 12 “Do We Really Need Christian Schools?” No. 7, page 17 “Without Creation no Education” No. 9, page 7

Du Toit, S. – “The Status and Prospects of Calvinism in South Africa” No.4, page 17

Greenway, L.– “Exposition of Ephesians” (Eph. 6:18–20) No. 1, page 3 “Christ the Destroyer” No. 7, page 3 “The Word of the Lord” No. 3, page 19 “Awake, O Sword” No. 10, page 3 (Feature): “Teeners’ Corner”, 1–18; 3–15; 6–12; No. 8, page 16

Grissen, Lillian V. – “Making Family Worship Meaningful” No. 9, page 23

Gunnink, Katie – “The Christian’s Supreme Calling”, No. 3, page 14

Hard, T. – “The Reformed Faith in Korea”, No. 9, page 15 “Another Church Split in Korea”

Heerema, Edw. – “The Covenant of Grace and Out Christian Sehools” (Part I), No. 5, page 6 (Part II), No. 6, page 22

Hill , J. A. “Dr. Geo. Stob on Infallibility” – A Report, No. 8, page 5

Klooster, F. H. “John Calvin the Theologian”, No. 1, page 4 “The Calvin Jubilee at Frankfurt, Germany”, No. 8, page 20 “Why Did I Choose To Study at Basel?”, No. 10, page 7

Kuiper, H. J.– (Feature, Timely Topic) “What is happening to the Chr. Ref. Church?”, No. 1, page 7 “Protest Against the Welfare State”, No. 2, page 7 “Convergence of Two Denominations”, No.3, page 3 “Synod’s Decision on Infallibility”, No.4, page 7 “The Future of our Family Altars”, No. 5, page 3 “Was the Synod Inconsistent?”, No. 5, page 5 “How can we improve our Family Altars?”, No. 6, page 5 “The only Theology the Bible Knows”, No. 7, page 4 “Toss out the Word Layman?”, No. 8, page 4 “First Reactions to a Recent Lecture”, No. 8, page 18 “The Use and Misuse of Matthew 18”, No. 9, page 3

Kuiper, R.B. – “Scripture on the Antithesis”, No. 2, page 3 “Calvin’s Conception of the Church”, No. 6, page7

Leetsma, R. – “The Idol of Power”, No. 4, page 3

Meppelink, Evelyn – “Protestant-Catholic Marriages”, No. 3, page 16 “Why Organize our Women’s Societies?”, No. 8, page 15

Miller, C.J. – “Love and Sentiment”, No. 9, page 5

Monsma, N.J. – “Are Office-Bearers bound in their Beliefs?”, No. 10, page 17

Noordewier, Helen K. – “Be Not Afraid”, No. 7, page 2 “Contrast”, No. 7, page 18

Packer, J.I. – “Calvinism in Britain”, No. 7, page 21

Palmer, “Peter” – “The Pinanskis Go to Church”, No. 2, page 17 “How can our Society Meetings be Improved?”, No. 5, page 15

Praasma, L. – “Calvin on Scripture”, No. 4, page 4 “John Calvin as an Ecumenical Figure”, No. 7, page 16 “A Lesson From History”, No. 10, page 5

Rooda, S. – “Threat to Freedom”, No. 6, page 21

Rooks, W.H. – “Annual Convention of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies”, No. 6, page 19

Runia, Klaas (editor of a symposium) “Calvin in Australia”, No. 9, page 21

Schrotenboer, P.G. – “On Being Reformed and Christian”, No. 4, page 12

Schuring, Gladys – “The Fisherman”, No. 2, page 18

Tozer, A.W. – “The Decline of Good Reading”, No. 6, page 4

Walburg, S.C. – “Bottom Shelf”, No. 3, page 2

Vander Ark, B.P. – “Newly Fallen Snow”, No. 8, page 2 “January”, No. 8, page 17 “Forgiveness”, No. 10, page 20

Vander Kam, H. – (Feature: “Bible Lessons on the Sermon on the Mount”) Part I: Matthew 5:1–12, No. 5, page 9 Part II: Matthew 5:13–32, No. 6, page 13 Part III: Matthew 5:33–6:4, No. 7, page 9 Part IV: Matthew 6:5–18, No. 8, page 9 Part V: Matthew 6:19–7:12, No. 9, page 9 Part VI: Matthew 7:13–29, No. 10, page 9 “The Importance of Pentecost”, No. 2, page 9

Van Groningen, G. – “How Shall We Bring in the Straying and Lost?”, No. 1, page 15 “Theological Training in Australia and New Zealand”, No. 7, page 15

Van Til, C. – “Calvin as a Controversialist”, No. 3, page 5 “Calvin and Modern Subjectivism”, No. 4, page 14

Van Til, H.R. – “Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility”, No. 1, page 13 “Calvin on Culture”, No. 7, page 7

Van Dyken, P.L. – “No True Faith Without Works”, No. 3, page 17

Vos, J.G. – “Calvinism in America Today and Tomorrow”, No. 1, page 10

Woolley, P. – “Calvin As a Reformer in Geneva”, No. 2, Page 11

Woudstra, M.G. – “Infallibility Explored”, No. 5, page 17

Zetterholm, E.E. – “Daane’s Theology”, No. 4, page 20



Greenway, L. – “Praying Soliders” (Eph. 6:18–20), No. 1, page 3 “The Word of the Lord”, No. 3, page 19 “Christ the Destroyer” (I John 3:8b), No. 7, page 3 “Awake, O Sword” (Zech. 13:7a), No. 10, page 3

Grissen, L.V. – “Making Family Worship Meaningful”, No. 9, page 23

Hill, J.A. – “Dr. Geo. Stob on Infallibility – A Report”, No. 8, page 5

Kuiper, H.J. – “Synod’s Decisions on Infallibility”, No. 4, page 7 “The Future of Our Family Altars” “How Can We Improve Our Family Altars?”, No. 6 page 5 “The Only Theology The Bible Knows”, No. 7, page 4 “First Reactions to a Recent Lecture”, No. 8, page 18 “The Use and Misuse of Matthew 18”, No. 9, page 3

Kuiper, R.B. – “Scripture on the Antithesis”, No. 2, page 3

Praasma, L. – “Calvin on Scripture”, No. 4, page 4

Vander Kam, H. – (Feature: Bible Lessons on the Sermon on the Mount) Part I: Matthew 5:1–12, No. 5, page 9 Part II: Matthew 5:13–32, No. 6, page 13 Part III: Matthew 5:33–6:4, No. 7, page 9 Part IV: Matthew 6:5–18, No. 8, page 9 Part V: Matthew 6:19–7:12, No. 9, page 9 Part VI: Matthew 7:13–29, No. 10, page 9

Van Til, H.R. – “Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility”, No. 1, page 3

Van Dyken, P.L. – “No True Faith Without Works”, No. 3, page 17

Woudstra, M.G. – “Infallibility Explored”, No. 5, page 17


Du Toit, S. – “Status and Prospects of Calvinism in South Africa”, No. 4, page 17

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Only Theology the Bible Knows”, No. 7, page 4

Packer, J.I. – “Calvinism in Britain: Its Status and Prospects”, No. 7, page 21

Runia, Klaas – “Calvinism in Australia” (a symposium), No. 9, page 21

Vos, J.G. – “Calvinism in America Today and Tomorrow”, No. 1, page 10


Klooster, F.H. – “John Calvin the Theologian”, No. 1, page 4 “The Calvin Jubliee at Frankfurt, Germany”, No. 8, page 20

Kuiper, R.B. – “Calvin’s Conception of the Church”, No. 6, page 7

Praasma, L. – “Calvin on Scripture”, No. 4, page 4 “Calvin as an Ecumenical Figure”, No. 7, page 16

Van Til, C. – “Calvin as a Controversialist”, No. 3, page 5

Van Til, H.R. – “Calvin on Culture”, No. 7, page 7

Woolley, P. – “Calvin as a Reformer in Geneva”, No. 2, page 11


Grissen, L.V. – “Making Family Worship Meaningful, No. 9, page 23

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Future of our Family Altars”, No. 5, page 3 “How Can We Improve our Family Altars?”, No. 6, page 5

Meppelink, E. – “Protestant-Catholic Marriages”, No. 3, page 16


Greenway, L. — (Feature: “Teeners’ Corner”) 1–18; 3–15; 6–12, No. 8, page 16

Grissen, L.V. – “Making Family Worship Meaningful”, No. 9, page 23

Gunnink, Katie – “The Christian’s Supreme Calling”, No. 3, page 14

Kuiper, H.J. – “How Can We Improve Our Family Altars?”, No. 6, page 5

Leetsma, R. – “The Idol of Power”, No. 4, page 3 “Are God’s People Grateful?”, No. 6, page 3

Meppelink, E. – “Protestant-Catholic Marriages”, No. 3, page 16

Palmer, “Peter” – “How Can Our Society Meetings Be Improved?”, No. 5, page 15

Rooda, S. – “The Threat to Freedom”, No. 6, page 21

Tozer, A.W. – “The Decline of Good Reading”, No. 6, page 4

Van Dyken, P.L. – “No True Faith Without Works”, No. 3, page 17

Van Til, H.R. – “Calvin on Culture”, No. 7, page 7


Kuiper, H.J. – “What is Happening in the Christian Reformed Church?”, No. 1, page 7 “Convergence of Two Denominations”, No. 3, page 3 “Synod’s Decisions on Infallibility”, No. 4, page 7 “Was Synod Inconsistent?”, No. 5, page 5

Meppelink, E. – “Why Organize Our Women’s Societies?”, No. 8, page 15

Monsma, N.J. – “Are Office-Bearers Bound in Their Beliefs?”, No. 10, page 15

Palmer, “Peter” – “How Can Our Societies Be Improved?”, No. 5, page 15

Schrotenboer, P.G. – “On Being Reformed and Christian”, No. 4, page 12


Bouma, D.C. – “The Religious Situation in Australia”, No. 4, page 19

Danhof, R.J. – “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 1), No. 2, page 13 Part II, No. 3, page 9

De Jong, P. – “The Unity and Disunity of the Church” (book review), No. 9, page 17

Du Toit, S. — “Status and Prospects of Calvinism in South Africa”, No. 4, page 17

Hard, T. – “The Reformed Faith in Korea”, No. 9, page 15 “Another Church Split in Korea”

Klooster, F. – “The Calvin Jubilee at Frankfurt, Germany, No. 8, page 20

Kuiper, H.J. – “Convergence of Two Denominations”, No. 3, page 3 “Toss Out the Word Layman?”, No. 8, page 4

Kuiper, R.B. – “Calvin’s Conception of the Church”, No. 2, page 17

Meppelink, E. – “Protestant-Catholic Marriages”, No. 3, page 16

Palmer, “Peter” – “The Pinanskis Go to Church”, No. 2, page 17

Packer, J.I. – “Calvinism in Britain – Its Status and Prospects”, No. 7, page 21

Praasma, L. – “Calvin as an Ecumenical Figure”, No. 7, page 16

Runia, K. – “Calvinism in Australia” (A Symposium), No. 9, page 21

Schrotenboer, P.G. – “On Being Reformed and Christian”, No. 4, page 12

Vander Kam, H. – “The Importance of Pentecost”, No. 2, page 9

Van Groningen, G. – “Theological Training in Australia and New Zealand”, No. 7, page 15

Van Til, C. – “Calvin and Modern Sujectivism”, No. 4, page 14

Vos, J.G. – “Calvinism in America Today and Tomorrow”, No. 1, page 10

Woolley, P. – “Calvin as a Reformer in Geneva”, No. 2, page 11


Du Toit, S. – “Status and Prospects of Calvinism in South Africa”, No. 4, page 17

Praasma, L. – “A Lesson from History”, No. 10, page 5

Van Til, C. – “Calvin as a Controversialist”, No. 3, page 5 “Calvin and Modern Subjectivism”, No. 4, page 14

Woolley, P. – “Calvin as a Reformer in Geneva”, No. 2, page 11


Kuiper, H.J. – “Was Synod Inconsistent?”, No. 5, page 5 “Toss Out the Word Layman?”, No. 8, page 4 “The Use and Misuse of Matthew 18”, No. 9, page 3

Monsma, N.J. – “Are Office-bearers Bound in Their Beliefs?”, No. 10, page 17


Heerema, Edward – “The Covenant of Grace and Our Christian Schools” (Part 1), No. 5, page 6 (Part 2), No. 6, page 22


Praasma, L. – “Calvin as an Ecumenical Figure”, No. 7, page 16

Van Til, C. – “Calvin and Modern Sugjectivism”, No. 4, page 14


De Jong, W.A. – “What Foreign Language Should our Christian Schools Teach?”, No. 1, page 12 “Do We Really Need Christian Schools?”, No. 7, page 17 “Without Creation No Education”, No. 9, page 7

Heerema, Edward – “THE Covenant of Grace and Our Christian Schools”, No. 1, page 12 “Do We Really Need Christian Schools?”, No. 7, page 17 “Without Creation No Education”, No. 9, page 7

Heerema, Edward – “THE Covenant of Grace and Our Christian Schools”, Part 1, No. 5, page 6 Part 2, No. 6, page 22

Van Groningen, G. – “Theological Training in Australia and New Zealand”, No. 7, page 15

Woolley, P. – “Calvin as a Controversialist”, No. 3, page 5


Vander Kam, H. – “THE Importance of Pentecost”, No. 2, page 9

Van Til, C. – “Calvin as a Controversialist”, No. 3, page 5

INFALLIBILITY (of the Bible):

Hill, J.A. – “Dr. Geo Stob on Infallibility” (a report and comments on a lecture by Dr. Stob), No. 8, page 5

Kuiper, H.J. – “What is Happening to the Christian Reformed Church?”, No. 1, page 7

Palmer, “Peter” – “The Pinanaskis Go to Church”, No. 2, page 17

Schuring, Gladys – “The Fisherman”, No. 2, page 18

Van Groningen, G. – “How Shall We Bring in the Straying and the Lost?”, No. 1, page 15

Vos, J.G. – “Calvinism in America Today and Tomorrow”, No. 1, page 10


Kuiper, H.J. – “What is Happening in the Christian Reformed Church?”, No. 1, page 7


Crewdson, Jane – “Always Thankful”, No. 6, page 31

Linsay, Mabel – “The Multitude of His Mercies”, No. 6, page 2

Noordewier, H.K. – “Be Not Afraid”, No. 7, page 2 “Contrast”, No. 7, page 18

Vander Ark, B.P. – “Newly Fallen Snow”, No. 8, page 2 “January”, No. 8, page 17 “Forgiveness”, No. 10, page 20

Walburg, S.C. – “Bottom Shelf”, No. 3, page 2


Grissen, L.V. – “Making Family Worship Meaningful”, No. 9, page 23

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Future of Our Family Altars”, No. 5, page 3 “How Can We Improve our Family Altars?”, No. 6, page 5


Rooks, W.H. – “The Annual Convention of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies”, No. 6, page19


Danhof, R.J. – “Race Resolution and the Race Problem”, Part 1, No. 2, page 13 Part II, No. 3, page 9

STATE, THE (Government):

Kuiper, H.J. – “Protest Against the Welfare State”, No. 2, page 17

Leetsma, R. – “The Idol of Power”, No. 4, page 3

Rooda, S. – “The Threat to Freedom”, No. 6, page 21


De Jong, P. – “The Unity and Disunity of the Church” (a book review), No. 9, page 17

De Jong, W.A. – “Without Creation No Education”, No. 9, page 7

Heerema, Edward – “The Covenant of Grace and Our Christian Schools”, Part I, No. 5, page 6 Part II, No. 6, page 22

Hill, J.A. – “Dr. Geo. Stob on Infallibility” (A Report and Comments on a lecture by Dr. Stob), No. 8, page 5

Klooster, F.H. – “John Calvin the Theologian”, No. 1, page 4

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Only Theology the Bible Knows”, No. 7, page 4 “First Reactions to a Recent Lecture”, No. 8, page 18

Kuiper, R.B. – “Scritpure on the Antithesis”, No. 2, page 3 “Calvin’s Conception of the Church”, No. 6, page 7

Miller, J.C. – “Love and Sentiment”, No. 9, page 5

Praasma, L. – “Calvin on Scripture”, No. 4, page 4 “A Lesson From History”, No. 10, page 5

Schrotenboer, P.G. – “On Being Reformed and Christian”, No. 4, page 12

Vander Kam, H. – “The Importance of Pentecost”, No. 2, page 9

Van Til, H.R. – “Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility”, No. 1, page 13 “Calvin on Culture”, No. 7, page 7

Woudstra, M.H. – “Infallibility Explored”, No. 5, page 17

Zetterholm, E.E. – “Daane’s Theology”, No. 4, page 20


Greenway, L. – (Feature: “Teener’s Corner”) 1-18; 3-15; 8-16.


Bavinck, J.H. – “The Riddle of Life” by R. Tadema, No. 3, page 21 “Faith and its Difficulties” by T.C. Van Kooten, No. 10, page 23

Bergema, H. – “Rondom Israel” by A.J. Vanden Pol, No. 8, page 24

Berkhouwer, G.C. – “Recent Developments in Roman Catholic Thought” by E.H. Palmer, No. 8, page 22

Bornkamm, H. – “Luther’s World of Thought” by A.C. De Jong, No. 2, page 23

Bratt, J. (editor) – “Rise and Development of Calvinism” by H.R. Van Til, No. 6, page 28

Bratt, J.H. – “Life and Teachings of John Calvin” by H.R. Van Til, No. 3, page 20

Breisch, F. Jr. – “The Kingdom of God” by J.A. Hill, No. 6, page 26

Bromiley, G.W. – “The Unity and Disunity of the Church” by P. De Jong, No. 9, page 17

Burgon, J.W. – “The Last Twelve Verses of Mark” by Wm. Hendriksen, No. 7, page 23

Calvin, J. – “Tracts and Treatises” by H.R. Van Til, No. 6, page 27 “Institutes of the Christian Religion” (no reviewer’s name given), No. 8, page 22

Demaray, D.E. – “Loyalty to Christ” by A. Brink, No. 2, page 20

Emch, W.N. – “The Question Box” by C. Tuininga, No. 6, page 31

Feenstra, J.G. – “Leer en Leven” by L. Mulder, No. 1, page 20

Feinberg, Ch. L. – (editor) “Fundamentals for Today” Vols. 1 & 2 by H.R. Van Til, No. 6, page 29

Fuller, E. – “Man in Modern Fiction” by S. Van Til, No. 10, page 22

Gilhuis, J.G. – “Gezicht op de Zending” by A.J. Vanden Pol, No. 8, page 24

Grosheide, F.W. and G.P. Van Itterzon (editors) “Christelijke Encyclopedie” by A.C. De Jong, Vol. I, No. 1, page 21 Vol. II, No. 2, page 20 Vol. III, No. 9, page 24

Gurnall, Wm. – “The Christian in Complete Armor” by J. Heenan, No. 9, page 24

Hastings, James – “Great Texts of the Bible” by L. Greenway, Vol. 8, No. 6, page 27

Hobbs, H. – “Crucial Words from Calvary” by A. Brink, No. 2, page 20

Hoffman, O.C. – “Life Crucified” by L. Greenway, No. 3, page 21

Hoogstra, J.T. – “American Calvinism: A Survey” (editor) by H.R. Van Til, No. 2, page 21

Hugen, M. – “The Church’s Ministry to the Older Unmarried” by J.J. Byker, No. 10, page 21

Jones, R.B. – “Calvary Attitudes” by A. Brink, No. 2, page 20

Kuiper, R.B. – “To Be or Not To Be Reformed” by L. Greenway, No. 1, page 19 “The Glorious Body of Christ” by J.A. Hill, No. 2, page 20 “For Whom Did Christ Die?” by A.C. De Jong, No. 9, page 24

Lockyer, H. – “All the Men of the Bible” by J. Blankespoor, No. 10, page 22

Manton, Thomas – “An Exposition of John 17” by L. Greenway, No. 4, page 23

Packer, J.I. – “Fundamentalism and the Word of God” by H.R. Van Til, No. 3, page 18

Palmer, Frances – “And Four To Grow On” by Mrs. Helen Pekelder, No. 6, page 29

Philips, J.B. – “The New Testament in Modern English” by L. Greenway, No. 6, page 26

Rushdoony, R.J. – “By What Standard?” by J.A. Hill, No. 4, page 21

Schoolland, M.M. – “Children of the Reformation” by H.R. Van Til, No. 3, page 20

Sizoo, A. – “Augustinus over de Staat” by R. Kooistra, No. 1, page 21 “Levende Woorden van Augustinus” by R. Kooistra, No. 1, page 21

Stott, J.R.W. – “Basic Christianity” by H.R. Van Til, No. 4, page 23

Tasker, R.V.G. – “Commentary on the Epistle of James” by L. Mulder, No. 1, page 20

Thompson, J.A. – “Archaeology and the Pre-Christian Centuries” by Edward J. Young, No. 6, page 30

Turnbull, R.G. – “Jonathan Edwards, the Preacher” by R. Tadema, No. 2, page 21

Twilley, L.D. – “The Origin and Transmission of the New Testament” by William Hendriksen, No. 7, page 22

VanderVelde, Frances – “Christian Home and Family Living” by E.B. Pekelder, No. 10, page 22

Van Deursen, A. and H. Mulder – “Bijbelse Landen Kalendar” by H.J. Kuiper, No. 10, page 22

Van Peursen, C.A. – “Philosophische Orientatie” by H. Hart, No. 10, page 23

Van Til, C. – “The Theology of James Daane” by E.E. Zetterholm, No. 4, page 20

Vollenhoven, H. – “Evangelisch Commando II” by L. Mulder, No. 1, page 20

Wagner, D.M. – “Expository Method of G. Campbell Morgan” by C. Tuininga, No. 6, page 30

Whalen, W.J. – “Christianity and American Freemasonry” by E.B. Pekelder, No. 10, page 23

Wolf, C.J. – “Jonathan Edwards on Evangelism” by T.C. Van Kooten, No. 8, page 23

Wuest, K.S. – “Philippians through Revelation” by William Hendriksen, No. 6, page 29

Wurth, G.B. – “Mensbeschourwing en Maatschappelijk Werk” by R. Kooistra, No. 1, page 21 “Partners for Life” – (a symposium on Marriage) by R. Tadema, No. 3, page 20 “Daily Manna Calendar” by H.J. Kuiper, No. 7, page 23 “Bible Lessons” (set No. 4 for Calvinist Cadets) by R. Tadema, No. 7, page 28