Letting Johnny Decide for Himself

Picture the scene in the living room of a home. Two people are there. One is the mother of a thirteen year old boy. The other is the minister of the church this family attends. “Johnny’s been absent from catechism quite often this season,” says the minister. “I’m asking your cooperation to see to it […]

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Index for Volume Eleven

Numbers 2 through 10; May–June 1961 to March 1962. (Due to a typographical error, issue number 1 was printed as issue number 11 of Volume 10. For articles in that number see Index of Volume 10. The bracketed capital letters indicate the special feature departments of the magazine. They stand for the following: (PP) – […]

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Index for Volume Ten

I – VOLUME TEN NUMBERS 1 TO 11* The bracketed capital letters are used to indicate the special feature to be found in each issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET. The abbreviations stand for the following: (PP) – Pointed Paragraphs; (TC) – Teeners’ Corner; (TT) – Timely Topics; (UCSP) Under Church Spires. * Due to a […]

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Index of Volume IX

AUTHOR Index: Bouma, O. C.– “The Religious Situation In Australia” No. 4, page 19 Crewdson, Jane “Always Thankful” No. 6, page 31 Danhof, R. J. – “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 1), No. 2, page 13 “Race Resolutions and the Race Problem” (Part 2), No. 3, page 9 De Jong, Peter – (Book Review) “Unity end Disunity of […]

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Index April 1958 to March 1959 (No. 1 to 10)

AUTHOR Index: Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 17 Andrews, Elizabeth: “Christian Freedom”, No. 2, Page 14 Bouman, Wilma: “Mental Health Testing in Public and Christian Schools, No. 9, Page 12 Cameron, Viola: “Who is My Neighbor?”, No. 5, Page 13 Danhof, Ralph J.: “Calvin Auditorium – […]

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Index for Volume VII

Author Index Bavinck, Herman, “On the Origin and Essence of Man”, (from his book – “Our Reasonable Faith”) No. 4 page 15 Bosscher, Albert, “Critique of L. De Koster’s ‘All Ye That Labor’” No. 2 page 24 Breedveld, Peter, “A Student Looks at Paul Tillich” No. 4 page 18 Danhof, Ralph J ., “The Gods That Failed” No. 10 page 16 De Jong, Alexander C., (Feature: […]

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The Father of the Christian School

Groen van Prinsterer, the father of the Christian Schools was born 150 years ago, in 1801. He died 75 years ago, in 1876. Christians in the Netherlands, especially the school-people, have remembered the occasion this past summer. A friend gave me a copy of “School en Huis,” the official organ of the “Unie, Een School Met […]

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“Be Ye Separate”

“Overture 1812” is Tchaikovsky’s stirring musical picture of Napoleon’s triumphant march into, and his in glorious retreat from Russia. The fiery music of the “Marseillaise” inspires the soldiers as they march to Moscow. Alons ellfants de la patrie, Ie jour de gloire est arrive. Bravely, confident of victory, they enter the city: the trap. Then: the fire! Hasty […]

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Training for Godliness

“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly” (I Tim. 4:7).         The Scripture passage above is excellent advice for Christians in every generation, but especially in ours. Part of training for godliness is to cultivate and develop a Christian Mind—a way of […]

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