Index April 1958 to March 1959 (No. 1 to 10)

AUTHOR Index: Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 17 Andrews, Elizabeth: “Christian Freedom”, No. 2, Page 14 Bouman, Wilma: “Mental Health Testing in Public and Christian Schools, No. 9, Page 12 Cameron, Viola: “Who is My Neighbor?”, No. 5, Page 13 Danhof, Ralph J.: “Calvin Auditorium – Geneva Switzerland”, No. 7, Page 11 De Jong, Walter A.: (Feature: From A Principal’s Desk) “The Deeper Problem in Education”, No. 2, Page 16, “Manual Arts – Extraneous?”, No. 5, Page 12, “For Such a Time As This”, No. 8, Page 13 Geerdes, Raymond J.: “The Future of Our Christian Schools”, No. 4, Page 11, “Reply to A.C. Johnson’s letter in February 1959 issue”, No. 9, Page 21, “Manual Arts – Extraneous?”, No. 5, Page 12, “For Such a Time As This”, No. 8, Page 13 Greenway, Leonard: “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 1, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 2, Page 12, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 4, Page 20, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 5, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 6, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 7, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 8, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 9, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), No. 10, Page 3, “Devotional Studies in Ephesians” (Feature), “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 1, Page 14, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 2, Page 11, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 3, Page 6, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 4, Page 24, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 5, Page 7, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 6, Page 7, “Teeners’ Corner” (Feature), No. 10, Page 18, “Ye Fathers”, No. 3, Page 5 Gunnink, Katie: “Calvinism and Passion for Souls”, No. 4, Page 9 Heerema, Edward: “A Social Code For Teenagers and Their Parents”, No. 3, Page 3 Hendriksen, Wm.: (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No. 5, Page 17; (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No. 6, Page 17; (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No. 7, Page 15; (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No. 8, Page 16; (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No. 9, Page 16; (Feature: “Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things”), No.10, Page 12 Hoekstra, Ethel: “Eyes to See and Ears to Hear”, No. 3, Page 21 Johnson, A.C.: (Feature: Correspondence) letter to Torch and Trumpet on Report of R.C.A. Board of Education, No. 9, Page 21 Kline, Meredith G.: “Because It Had Not Rained”, No. 2, Page 17 Klooster, Fred H.: “Synodical Decisions of 1924 on Common Grace”, No. 6, Page 7 Koops, Hugh: (Feature: Correspondence) letter on Covenant and Christian Schools, No. 10, Page 19 Kuiper, H.J.: (Feature: Timely Topics), “Our Hit and Miss Calling”, No. 1, Page 4; “If”, No. 1, Page 6; “Shall We Betray Our Reformed Faith in Nigeria?”, No. 2, Page 4; “First Reactions to Synod’s Decisions on Nigeria”, No. 3, Page 12; “Should a Reformed Church do Reformed Mission Work?”, No. 4, Page 5; “The Minister as Shepherd”, No. 6, Page 4; “Synod on Boy Scouts, Boys’ Clubs, and Church Activities”, No. 6, Page 5; “Christmas Adoration”, No. 7, Page 7; “The Position of Our Church on Nigeria”, No. 7, Page 7; “Quoting Calvin on the Nigerian Question”, No. 7, Page 8; “Dr. Ozinga on Professor Lever’s Book”, No. 7, Page 9; “At the Turn of the Year”, No. 8, Page 4; “The Infallibility of Scripture Denied”, No. 8, Page 5; “Inspiration Means Infallibility”, No. 9, Page 9; “1959 Murray Lectures”, No. 9, Page 11; “An Important Series of Articles for 1959”, No. 9, Page 11; “The Certainty of Christ’s Resurrection”, No. 10, Page 4 Kuizema, Elsie D.: “New Year”, No. 8, Page 23 Lamberts, Evangeline: “Missionary Convention at Urbana”, No. 1, Page 17 Monsma, Nicholas J.: “Evolution – Still a Guess” (Part 1), No. 5, Page 8; “Evolution – Dr. Lever’s View of Creation” (Part II), No. 6, Page 12 Palmer, Edwin H.: “Christian Education and the Reformed Church in America”, No. 4 Page 3; “The Union Seminary of Nigeria”, No. 8, Page 7 Palmer, “Peter”: “Occupation…Housewife and Mother”, No. 7, Page 13 Pangborn, Josie: “The Valley of Sin”, No. 2, Page 8; “Memories”, No. 3, Page 2 Post, Marie J.: “Easter Song”, No. 1, Page 2; “Now in Wooded Places”, No. 1, Page 8; “Revelation”, No. 1, Page 14 Praasma, L: “Calvin and the Union Seminary in Nigeria”, No. 9, Page 6; “Calvin as Man and as Christian”, No. 10, Page 6 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “The Meaning of Inspiration”, No. 1, Page 14; “When the Sunday School is a Menace”, No. 2, Page 13; “The Authority of Scripture”, No. 6, Page 21 Schuring, Gladys: “My Pagan Neighbors Prayed For Me”, No. 1, Page 7; “A Typical Buddhist Home”, No. 3, Page 9; “A Day in the Hills with Our Christian Tea Planters”, No. 5, Page 4; “My First Christmas in Ceylon”, No. 7, Page 12 Spykman, Gordon J.: “Ave Maria”, No. 7, Page 4; “Only One Name – Or Mary’s Also?”, No. 9, Page 4 Tanis, Edward J.: “The Roman Catholic Challenge”, No. 2, Page 9 Thorton, Lalia M.: “Carillons”, No. 4, Page 22; “Prayer”, No. 4, Page 24 Timmer, Johanna: “I Am So Ignorant”, No. 1, Page 9 Ungvary, Alexander S.: “The Message of the Unknown Freedom Fighter”, No. 8, Page 11 Vander Ark, Bertha Prince: “The Borrowing Jesus”, No. 5, Page 3 Van Groningen, Gerard: “Cracking the Southern Barrier”, No. 4, Page 19; “Searching Questions about Our Educational Program” (Part I), No. 8, Page 22; “Searching Questions…” (Part II), No. 10, Page 17 Van Reken, Everett: “The Christian Medical Society”, No. 3, Page 23 Van Til, Cornelius: “Evangelical Responsibility”, No. 3, Page 19 Van Til, Henry R.: “Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility” (Part I), No. 10, Page 9 Venema, Henry A.: “Antithesis, Not Adaption”, No. 1, Page 18 Woudstra, Marten H.: “Reading Genesis 1”, No. 1, Page 11 Young, Edward J.: “The Nature of Genesis 1”, No. 8, Page 14 SUBJECT Index: BIBLE: Allis, Oswald T: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 16 Kline, Meredith G.: “Because It Had Not Rained”, No. 2, Page 17 Kuiper, H.J. (feature: Timely Topics), “The Infallibility of Scripture Denied”, No. 8, Page 5; “Inspiration Means Infallibility”, No. 9, Page 9 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “The Meaning of Inspiration”, No. 1, Page 14; “The Authority of Scripture”, No. 6, Page 21 Van Til, Henry R.: “Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility” (Part 1), No. 10, Page 9 Venema, Henry A.: “Antithesis – Not Adaption” (essay Revelation 2:12–17), No. 1, Page 18 Woudstra, Marten H.: “Reading Genesis 1”, No. 1, Page 11 World Home Bible League: “A Worthy Organization”, No. 2, Page 8 Young, Edward J.: “The Nature of Genesis 1”, No. 8, Page 14 Greenway, Leonard: (feature – Devotional Studies in Ephesians), Ephesians 2:1–3, No. 1, Page 3; Ephesians 2:8,9, No. 2, Page 12; Ephesians 2:10, No. 4, Page 20; Ephesians 2:13–17, No. 5, Page 3; Ephesians 6:10,11a, No. 6, Page 3; Ephesians 6:11, No. 7, Page 3; Ephesians 6:14, No. 8, Page 3; Ephesians 6:15,16, No. 9, Page 3; Ephesians 6:17, No. 10, Page 3 CALVIN, JOHN Danhof, Ralph J.: “Calvin Auditorium – Geneva Switzerland”, No. 7, Page 11 Kuiper, H.J.: (feature: Timely Topics) “Quoting Calvin on the Nigerian Question”, No. 7, Page 8 Praasma, L.: “Calvin and the Union Seminary in Nigeria”, No. 9, Page 6; “Calvin as Man and as Christian”, No. 10, Page 6 CHRISTIAN HOME, THE Heerema, Edward: “A Social Code for Teenagers and Their Parents”, No. 3, Page 3 Greenway, Leonard: “Ye Fathers”, No. 3, Page 9; “Teener’s Corner” (feature), No. 10, Page 18 Palmer, “Peter”: “Occupation…Housewife and Mother”, No. 3, Page 7 Schuring, Gladys: “A Typical Buddhist Home”, No. 3, Page 9 Van Groningen, Gerard: “Some Searching Questions on Our Educational Program” (Part I), No. 8, Page 22; (Part II), No. 10, Page 17 CHRISTIAN LIFE, THE Andrews, Elizabeth: “Christian Freedom”, No. 2, Page 14 Cameron, Viola: “Who Is My Neighbor?”, No. 5, Page 13 Heerema, Edward: “A Social Code for Teenagers and Their Parents”, No. 3, Page 3 Hoekstra, Ethel: “Eyes to See and Ears to Hear”, No. 3, Page 21 Palmer, “Peter”: “Occupation…Housewife and Mother”, No. 3, Page 7; “Some Thoughts on Giving”, No. 7, Page 13 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “When the Sunday School is a Menace”, No. 2, Page 13 Timmer, Johanna: “I Am So Ignorant!”, No. 1, Page 9 Venema, Henry A.: “Anthithesis – Not Adaption”, No. 1, Page 18 Kuiper, H.J.: “The Synod on Boy Scouts, Boys’ Club…”, (feature: Timely Topic), No. 6, Page 5 Greenway, Leonard: “Ye Fathers”, No. 3, Page 5; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 1, Page 14; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 2, Page 11; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 3, Page 6; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 5, Page 7; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 6, Page 11 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, THE Geerdes, Raymond J.: “The Future of Our Christian Schools”, No. 4, Page 11 Palmer, Edwin J: “The Union Seminary of Nigeria”, No. 8, Page 7 Klooster, Fred H.: “Synodical Decisions of 1924 on Common Grace”, No. 6, Page 7 Kuiper, H.J.: (Feature: Timely Topics) “Our Hit and Miss System of Calling”, No. 1, Page 4; “Shall We Betray Our Reformed Faith in Nigeria?”, No. 2, Page 4; “First Reactions to Synod’s Decisions on Nigeria”, No. 3, Page 12; “Should a Reformed Church do Reformed Mission Work?”, No. 4, Page 5; “The Synod on Boy Scouts, Boys’ Clubs and Church Councils”, No. 6, Page 5; “The Position of Our Church on Nigeria”, No. 7, Page 7 CHURCH, THE Kuiper, H.J.: “The Minister As a Shepherd” (feature: Timely Topic), No. 6, Page 4 Palmer, Edwin H.: “Christian Education and the Reformed Church In America”, No. 4, Page 3 Palmer, “Peter”: “Some Thoughts on Giving”, No. 7, Page 13 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “When the Sunday School Is a Menace”, No. 2, Page 13 Tanis, Edward J.: “The Roman Catholic Challenge”, No. 2, Page 9 Van Groningen, Gerard: “Some Searching Questions about Our Educational Program” (Part I), No. 8, Page 22; (Part II), No. 10, Page 17 CHURCH POLITY Kuiper, H.J.: “Our Hit and Miss System of Calling” (Timely Topics), No. 1, Page 4 COMMUNISM Ungvary, Alexander S.: “The Message of the Unknown Freedom Fighter”, No. 8, Page 11 COVENANT, THE Geerdes, Raymond J.: “The Future of Our Christian Schools”, No. 4, Page 11; (letter of reply to Rev. H. Koops), No. 10, Page 20 Koops, Hugh: “The Covenant and Our Christian Schools” (letter in correspondence), No. 10, Page 19 CREATION Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 16 Kline, Meredith G.: “Because It Had Not Rained”, No. 2, Page 17; “Dr. Ozinga on Prof. Lever’s Book”, No.7, Page 9 Monsma, Nicholas J.: “Evolution – Dr. Lever’s View of Creation” (second installment on Evolution), No. 6, Page 12 Woudstra, Marten H.: “Reading Genesis 1”, No. 1, Page 11 Young, Edward J.: “The Nature of Genesis 1”, No. 8, Page 14 EDUCATION Bouman, Wilma: “Mental Health Testing in Public and Christian Schools”, No. 9, Page 12 De Jong, Walter A.: (feature: From a Principal’s Desk), “The Deeper Problem in Education”, No. 2, Page 16; “Manual Arts – Extraneous?”, No. 5, Page 12; “For Such a Time as This”, No. 8, Page 13 Geerdes, Raymond J.: “The Future of Our Christian Schools”, No. 4, Page 11; Reply to letter of Rev. H. Koops, No. 10, Page 20 Greenway, Leonard: (feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 6, Page 11 Koops, Hugh: “On the Covenant and Our Christian Schools”, No. 10, Page 19 Palmer, Edwin H.: “Christian Education and the Reformed Church In America”, No. 4, Page 3 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “When the Sunday School Is a Menace”, No. 2, Page 13 Timmer, Johanna: “I Am So Ignorant!”, No. 1, Page 9 Van Groningen, Gerard: “Some Searching Questions about Our Educational Program” (Part I), No. 8, Page 22; (Part II), No. 10, Page 17 ESCHATOLOGY Hendriksen, Wm.: (feature: Outlines on the Doctrine of the Last Things) Outlines 25 to 28, No. 5, Page 17; Outlines 29 to 32, No. 6, Page 15; Outlines 33 to 36, No. 7, Page 15; Outlines 37 to 40, No. 8, Page 16; Outlines 41 to 44, No. 9, Page 16; Outlines 45 to 48, No. 10, Page 12 MEDICINE Van Reken, Everett: “The Christian Medical Society”, No. 3, Page 23 MISSIONS (Evangelism) Gunnink, Katie: “Calvinism and Passion for Souls”, No. 4, Page 9 Kuiper, H.J.: (feature: Timely Topics), “Shall We Betray Our Reformed Faith in Nigeria?”, No. 2, Page 4; “First Reactions to Synod’s Decision on Nigeria”, No. 3, Page 12; “Shall a Reformed Church Do Reformed Mission Work?”, No. 4, Page 5 Lamberts, Evangeline: “Missionary Convention at Urbana”, No. 1, Page 17 Palmer, Edwin H.: “The Union Seminary of Nigeria”, No. 8, Page 7 Praasma, L.: “Calvin and the Union Seminary of Nigeria”, No. 9, Page 6 Schuring, Gladys: “My Pagan Neighbors Pray for Me”, No. 1, Page 7; “A Typical Buddhist Home”, No. 3, Page 9; “A Day in the Hills with Our Christian Tea Planters”, No. 5, Page 4; “My First Christmas in Ceylon”, No. 7, Page 12 Van Groningen, Gerard: “Cracking the Southern Barrier”, No. 4, Page 18 World Home Bible League: “A Worthy Organization”, No. 2, Page 8 NIGERIA Kuiper, H.J.: (feature: Timely Topic), “Shall We Betray Our Reformed Faith in Nigeria?”, No. 2, Page 4; “First Reactions to Synod’s Decisions on Nigeria”, No. 9, Page 6; “Should a Reformed Church Do Reformed Mission Work?”, No. 4, Page 5; “The Position of Our Church on Nigeria”, No. 3, Page 12; “Quoting Calvin on the Nigerian Question”, No. 7, Page 8 Palmer, Edwin H.: “The Union Seminary of Nigeria”, No. 8, Page 7 Praasma, L.: “Calvin and the Union Seminary in Nigeria”, No. 9, Page 6 POETRY Kuizema, Elise D.: “New Year”, No. 8, Page 23 Pangborn, Josie: “The Valley of Sin”, No. 2, Page 8; “Memories”, No. 3, Page 2 Post, Marie J.: “Easter Song”, No. 1, Page 2; “Now in Wooded Places”, No. 1, Page 8; “Revelation”, No. 1, Page 14 Thorton, Lalia M.: “Carillons”, No. 4, Page 22; “Prayer”, No. 4, Page 24 Vander Ark, Bertha Price: “The Borrowing Jesus”, No. 5, Page 3 Walburg, Simon C.: “A Bag With Holes”, No. 9, Page 2 RESURRECTION, THE Kuiper, H.J.: “If”, No. 1, Page 6; “The Certainty of Christ’s Resurrection”, No. 10, Page 4 ROMAN CATHOLICISM “Spykman, Gordon J.: “Ave Maria”, No. 7, Page 4; “Only One Name – Or Mary’s Also?”, No. 9, Page 4 Tanis, Edward J.: “The Roman Catholic Challenge”, No. 2, Page 9 SCIENCE Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2, No. 3, Page 16 Kline, Meredith G.: “Because It Had Not Rained”, No. 2, Page 17 Kuiper, H.J.: “Dr. Ozinga on Prof. Lever’s Book” (Timely Topic), No. 7, Page 9 Monsma, Nicholas J.: “Evolution – Still a Guess” (part I), No. 5, Page 8; “Evolution – Dr. Lever’s View of Creation”, No. 6, Page 12 (Second Installment on Evolution…) Woudstra, Marten H.: “Reading Genesis 1”, No. 1, Page 11 THEOLOGY Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 16 Kline, Meredith G.: “Because It Had Not Rained”, No. 2, Page 17 Klooster, Fred H.: “The Synodical Decisions of 1924 on Common Grace”, No. 6, Page 7 Kuiper, H.J.: (feature: Timely Topic) “Shall We Betray Our Reformed Faith in Nigeria?”, No. 2, Page 4; “The Infallibility of Scripture Denied”,No. 8, Page 5; “Inspiration Means Infallibility”, No. 9, Page 9; “The Certainty of Christ’s Resurrection”, No. 10, Page 4 Monsma, Nicholas J.: “Evolution – Still a Guess” (part I), No. 5, Page 8; “Evolution” – (second installment) “Dr. Lever’s View of Creation”, No. 6, Page 12 Rushdoony, Rousas J.: “The Meaning of Inspiration”, No. 1, Page 14; “The Authority of Scripture”, No. 6, Page 21 Spykman, Gordon J.: “Ave Maria”, No. 7, Page 4; “Only One Name – Or Mary’s Also?”, No. 9, Page 4 Van Til, Cornelius: “Evangelical Responsibility”, No. 3, Page 19 Venema, Henry A.: “Antithesis – Not Adaption”, No. 1, Page 18 Woudstra, Marten H.: “Reading Genesis 1”, No. 1, Page 11 Young, Edward J.: “The Nature of Genesis 1”, No. 8, Page 14 YOUTH Greenway, Leonard (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 1, Page 14; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 2, Page 11; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No.3, Page 6; (Feature: Teener’s Corner), No. 5, Page 7 BOOK REVIEW Index: Barth, Karl: “Christ and Adam, Man and Humanity in Romans 5”, No. 5, Page 23 (translation by T.A. Smail) Bos, F.L. (editor): “Ware Christelijke Belijdenis Der Nederlandse Kerken”, No. 9, Page 23, by R. Kooistra Berkhouwer, G.C.: “The Conflict With Rome”, No. 7, Page 21, by Edward J. Tanis Carnell, Edward J: “Christian Commitment”, No. 1, Page 22, by Rousas J. Rushdoony DeJager, Jacob: “Centennial”, No. 9, Page 24, by H.R. Van Til De Jong, Peter Y.: “Taking Heed to the Flock”, No. 7, Page 23, by Rits Tadema Girod, Gordon: “The Deeper Faith”, No. 8, Page 24, by Edwin H. Palmer Gispen, W.H.: “Spreuken” (Korte Verklaring), No. 10, Page 24, by H.R. Van Til Goslinga, C.J.: “Jozua” (Korte Verklaring), No. 10, Page 24, by H.R. Van Til Greijdanus, S.: “Lucas”, (Korte Verklaring), No. 10, Page 24, H.R. Van Til Grosheide, F.W.: “De Eerste Brief aan de Kerk te Korinthe”, No. 2, Page 21, by Wm. Hendriksen; “De Brief aan de Hebreen en De Brief aan Jakobus” (Commentary), No. 10, Page 24, by John Blankenspoor Guillaume, Francois and Henry A. Venema: “The United States and Canada in the Christian Reformed Church”, No. 1 Page 23, by Cecil W. Tuininga Haalboom, Aris: “Om Het Kind”, No. 9, Page 23, by Cecil W. Tuininga Haan, Gertrude: “The Christmas Heart”, No. 5, Page 24, by “Peter” Palmer Heicher, K.W.: “The Heicher Filing System”, No. 5, Page 24, by Cecil W. Tuininga Henry, Carl F.: “Evangelical Responsibility in Contemporary Theology”, No. 3, Page 19, by Cornelius Van Til Jager, Okke: “Kom Haastig!” (on the 2nd Coming of Christ), No. 2, Page 23; “Interview met de Tijdgeest”, No. 7, Page 23, by L. Mulder Kooistra, R.: “Jong zijn in een Jong Land”, No. 2, Page 24, by Cecil W. Tuininga Koole, J.L.: “Het Probleem van de Canonisatie van Het Oude Testament”, No. 9, Page 24, by Henry R. Van Til Kromminga, J.H.: “In the Mirror”, No. 4, Page 21, by L. Oostendorp Mclelland, Joseph C.: “The Visible Words of God”, No. 3, Page 24, by Edwin H. Palmer Morris, Leon: “The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians”, No. 7, Page 23, (Tyndale Commentary Series), by L. Mulder Mulder, H.: “Dienaren Van De Koning”, No. 2, Page 22, by H.J. Kuiper Nicole, Albert: “Judas the Betrayer”, No. 1, Page 21, by L. Mulder Ockenga, Harold J.: “Protestant Preaching in Lent”, No. 2, Page 21, by Wm. Hendriksen Polman, A.D.R.: “De Theologie Van Augustinus”, No. 10, Page 23, by Henry R. Van Til Prohl, Russell C.: “Women in the Church”, No. 6, Page 23, by Martin Monsma Purvis, Geo. T.: “The Apostolic Age”, No. 8, Page 24, by Henry R. Van Til Rasooli, J.M.; and Allen, C.H.: “Dr. Sa’eed of Iran”, No. 9, Page 23, by Mrs. Edwin Palmer Ridderbos, H.N.: “Paul and Jesus”, No. 2, Page 22, by Wm. Hendriksen Robinson, G.L.: “Leaders of Israel”, No. 8, Page 24, by Henry R. Van Til Schoolland, Marion M.: “A Goodly Heritage”, No. 1, Page 23, by Henry R. Van Til Sizoo, A.: “Christenen in de Antieke Wereld”, No. 2, Page 23, by Henry R. Van Til Stob, Henry: “The Christian Concept of Freedom”, No. 1, Page 20, by Rousas J. Rushdoony Todd, G.H.: “Gamblers at Golgotha”, No. 1, Page 21, by L. Mulder Van de Hulst, W.G.: “Better Than Anything Else”, No. 7, Page 24; “Tomorrow Will Be Sunday”, No. 7, Page 24, by H.J. Kuiper Van Halsema, Thea B.: “I will Build My Church”, No. 4, Page 21, by L. Oostendorp Van Riessen, H.: “The Society of the Future”, No. 4, Page 22, by Rousas J. Rushdoony Vrieze, Marten: “Werker in een Nieuwe Wereld”, No. 6, Page 24, by Cecil W. Tuininga Wyngaarden, Martin J.: “The Future of the Kingdom in Prophecy and Fulfillment”, No. 10, Page 23, by Henry R. Van Til Young, Edward J.: “Thy Word is Truth”, No. 9, Page 22, by Henry R. Van Til De Verborgenheid Der Godzaligheid – Pinksteren V., No. 8, Page 24, by Cecil W. Tuininga