The two denominations referred to in the heading of this article are the Christian Reformed Church and the group of Protestant Reformed churches (often called the Do Wolf group) which broke away from the denomination by that name which since 1925 has been headed by Rev. Herman Hoeksema. For the benefit of those readers who are […]
There is back of all that Calvin wrote a deep joy because of sins forgiven. He knew that through Christ he had been reconciled to God. He therefore looked with deep compassion upon the multitudes of men about him who knew not this reconciliation with God. These multitudes of men had no one to point them […]
A Discussion of the Resolutions of the 1958 Reformed Ecumenical Synod of South Africa on the Race Question INTERMARRIAGE OF RACES The Race Resolutions adopted by the Reformed Ecumenical Synod of South Africa (1958), designated No.ll specifically states, “No direct Scriptural evidence can be produced for or against the intermixture of races through marriage as a statement […]
Every sincere Christian has, no doubt, asked himself at some time or other in his life. “What is my calling?” Young people are particularly interested in the subject of their life’s work. Some young people are concerned to the point of worry about their choice of vocation. Older Christians sometimes wonder if they have missed their calling. […]
QUESTION: I am writing this letter with a heavy heart. In fact I did not want to write it, but a friend of mine far whom you answered a question some months ago urged me to lay my problem before you. Please do not reveal my name to anyone, because if my family finds out I have […]
This article is being written for women and, primarily, for those women who are Christian mothers. The subject of Protestant-Catholic marriages is important due to the increased tolerance among Protestants of the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings. The most important decision in life is one’s choice of Christ. Second in importance is one’s choice of […]
“Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit.” Have you ever observed how much emphasis the Word of God places on our works, the bringing forth of fruit? We find it on ever so many pages. When Jesus began his walk among his people in his message that is called the Sermon on the […]
“Fundamentalism” and the Word Of God by J. I. PACKER Published by Wm. B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids 3, Michigan, 1958 Pocket Edition, $1.25. The author defines his purpose to be “a constructive testament of evangelical principles in the light of the current ‘Fundamentalism controversy’. His aim is to ‘fix the right approach to the Bible, to the […]
AUTHOR Index: Allis, Oswald T.: “The Time Element in Genesis 1 and 2”, No. 3, Page 17 Andrews, Elizabeth: “Christian Freedom”, No. 2, Page 14 Bouman, Wilma: “Mental Health Testing in Public and Christian Schools, No. 9, Page 12 Cameron, Viola: “Who is My Neighbor?”, No. 5, Page 13 Danhof, Ralph J.: “Calvin Auditorium – […]