Two mutually exclusive religions arc contending for mastery in a life and death struggle within the Christian Church today. One of these is the supernatural rede motive religion known as historic Christianity. The other is a religion which denies the genuinely supernatural character of Christianity and which exalts man as his own savior. It is with […]
Today the feeling is widespread that the Christian Reformed Church is passing through a period of spiritual declension. Although the churches are still crowded with worshipers who give liberally, we are facing an attitude of smugness on the part of many who think that we have “arrived.” They are willing to expand the practical programs of […]
“Now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he […]
Twenty-five years ago such words as neutron, isotope, radioactive, atomic energy and others related to these, were unknown to the vast majority of people. The situation has changed, however, and today these words are frequently encountered in our newspapers and magazines. The discovery of the nuclear bomb has made us atom-conscious. One interesting, although incidental, development which has resulted […]
Several readers of my introductory article to this series on the problems of Calvinism and church music have questioned the need for reverting to the days of John Calvin in our discussion of music in the Calvinistic church. This writer is convinced that the very vague sense of direction which we Calvinists have regarding church music […]
“When the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son.” Galatians 4:4 This text is full of Christmas. And the Christian’s celebration of Christmas should be filled with this text The tremendous fact of Christmas is that God sent forth his Son. That is what Christmas means. It began with God, as all of […]
Tonight the rain comes pattering on my roof, It taps as would a prancing horse’s hoof. All day the leaden sky foreboded rain, The thirsty earth had waited long in vain. The bronzed leaves strewn thickly everywhere Are now a sodden mass, with trees left bare. How drearily the autumn trudges on, The days are somber, grey, […]
The topic on which I dwell is “God and the War.” The question would very naturally and perhaps urgently arise…does God have anything to do with this war? War is, to say the least, a ghastly evil. I did not say, war is wrong. The waging of war is often highly necessary and even dutiful. For a sovereign […]
It is a patent fact that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not nearly as well understood as the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Even in the Church of Jesus Christ one can meet with all kinds of misconceptions respecting the Spirit and his work. Naturally, it may be said that this is but another […]
This is the second article in a series being prepared by the Reformed piety commission. The Reformed Fellowship has adopted this procedure in dealing with critical issues. Other commissions now preparing material for Torch and Trumpet are working on the problem of ecumenicity and on the character of a Christian college, respectively. The godly man takes God’s […]