Cox, Gary
- Inquiring Minds Want to Know
De Jong, P. Y.
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #11 Heaven’s Courts Resounding with Praises
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #12 The Surprising Silence in Heaven
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #13 Learning a Little from the Angel
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #14 See What Devastation the Lord Works
Dunahoo, Charles
- Preparing the Church for the 21st Century
Godfrey, W. Robert
- The Character of the Twentieth Century: A Reformed Review
Murray, John
- The Sabbath Institution (II): Its Observance
Piersma, John
- An Enterprising Life
Sittema, John R.
- What Are We For?
Thomas, Cal
- What Teenagers Really Want
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie
- Parent “Potters”
Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Christmas Riches
Venema, Cornelis
- What We Believe: Concomitants of the Second Advent New Heaven and New Earth (II)
2 Corinthians 8:9, Christmas
- Christmas Riches
2 Peter 3:5–13, 25, Jesus Christ-return, last things, new heavens and new earth, Romans 8:18 and 25
- What We Believe: Concomitants of the Second Advent New Heaven and New Earth (II)
Jan Van Andel
- An Enterprising Life
Jesus Christ-return, last things
- Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Mosaic, Pharisaism
- The Sabbath Institution (II): Its Observance
Revelation, Revelation 7:9–17
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #11 Heaven’s Courts Resounding with Praises
Revelation, Revelation 8:1
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #12 The Surprising Silence in Heaven
Revelation, Revelation 8:2–6
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #13 Learning a Little from the Angel
Revelation, Revelation 8:7–13
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the book of Revelation #14 See What Devastation the Lord Works
challenge, Y2K
- Preparing the Church for the 21st Century
children, Christian home and family
- Parent “Potters”
church, reformed faith, schisms, separation
- What Are We For?
church, twentieth century
- The Character of the Twentieth Century: A Reformed Review
young people
- What Teenagers Really Want