Belgic Confession, general revelation, nature, perspicuity
- We Confess – An Exposition & Application of the Belgic Confession: Article 2 (Part 1) Of the Knowledge of God
Calvin College, First Toronto CRC, homosexualism
- This Is My Outlook
Christian Education, Heidelberg Theological Seminary, missions, Reformed Church – US
- Synod 2003 Reformed Church US
Christian Education, Jesus Christ
- Christian Education: Is It a Mess? (Part 2)
James 1:22, legalism, works
- Doers of the Word
Mid-America Reformed Theological Seminary
- Mid-America Graduates
Reformed Fellowship
- Sound Bites The Outlook - 1975
United Reformed Churches of North America
- Classis Michigan URCNA
apocalypse, Geerhardus Vos
- Looking Above – A Series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ Revelation 1:1“Revelation”
comfort, Hebrews 10:30, Heidelberg Catechism, justice, mercy, nature
- The Justice and Mercy of God
justification, Paul the Apostle, Second Temple Judaism, works
- Evaluating the New Perspective on Paul (4) What Does Paul Mean by ‘Works of the Law’?
liturgy, music, worship
- Patriotic Music in Worship