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Surrender to Evolution: Inevitable or Inexcusable?

l. Is Evolution “Proved Fact” and therefore Unchallengeable? This is certainly the popular impression. It is fostered by constantly repeated assertions in the press and in academic circles. Many who repeat such assertions do not have intelligently held convictions based upon consideration of evidence, but are merely uncritically repeating cliches. Where the statement that evolution […]

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Flood Geology

The Holy Spirit has given to mankind in the book of Genesis a rather detailed account of one of the greatest catastrophes in the history, of the human race. Is there anyone among us who has not at some time or other been deeply moved by the story of the flood? The picture of a dove returning […]

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What is Mental Illness?

Did you ever visit a hospital for mentally ill? Your first visit to such a hospital was most likely a very unsettling experience. Possibly sleep was slow in coming lhe following night. You saw such unforgettable faces faces screwed up into the weirdest expressions, faces with silly grimaces on them, faces whose eyes had lost the […]

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The Atom Calendar

Twenty-five years ago such words as neutron, isotope, radioactive, atomic energy and others related to these, were unknown to the vast majority of people. The situation has changed, however, and today these words are frequently encountered in our newspapers and magazines. The discovery of the nuclear bomb has made us atom-conscious. One interesting, although incidental, development which has resulted […]

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When did God call the universe into being? When did God create Adam and give him the injunction to subdue the earth? When were the mountains formed? Was it during the Noachian deluge or long before the creation of man? Were the coal beds created in their present form or are they the product of […]

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One Among Billions

How many stars are there? Why did God create so many of them? What relation do they have to our little earth? In which direction are they traveling and why? Why are some of them hot and others cold? Questions such as these have fascinated man for several centuries. The most ancient of documents, irrespective […]

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How Our Thinking has Changed

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS We are living in a truly wonderful age. During the last few decades man has greatly increased his knowledge of the physical universe and his control over it. Although we may justly view with alarm our meager progress in the moral and spiritual realm, we must admit that science has opened our eyes […]

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The Gods That Failed

Will Our Civilization Survive? Something has gone wrong with our twentieth century civilization. Mankind today is full of fear and anxiety. Toynbee in his A Study of History sought to analyze the breakdown and the disintegration of civilizations. Lash, in The Dilemma of Our Times, claims that the prevailing mood of our day is “one […]

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The lack of a proper reverence for God’s name and irreverent worship are not the only things that should concern us as we take a realistic look at the portrait of the visible church of our time. We should be equally concerned about the lack of respect for God’s Word. God’s Word is not being […]

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