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Anyone acquainted with ecclesiastical affairs recognizes that the issue of “women in office” is tearing many a church apart. Throughout the Roman Catholic Church the question of “females in the priesthood” is heatedly discussed. The recent rupture of the Protestant Episcopal Church cannot be correctly evaluated apart from the approval on the part of a […]

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Can We Now Join Hands?

There is much discussion these days about the changes taking place in the Roman Catholic church. One of the changes that is said to be most noticeable is the openness of that church toward non-Roman Catholics. This is evidenced by an increasing number of discussions of various types which are taking place between Protestants and […]

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Aggiornamento in Rome

Aggiornamento is Italian for “up-dating” and is the key word in today’s Roman Catholic circles. In the last five years dramatic changes have been taking place—so dramatic that a decade ago they were not considered possible. How fundamental has this change been? Is it central or peripheral? Aggiornamento is associated chiefly with John XXIII (pope from 1958–1963) […]

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Roman Catholicism in a Changing Latin America

Roman Catholicism is changing, so they say. Many people are expecting great things from the conciliar meetings, some already held and others to be held in Rome. As one of our Roman Catholic neighbors said the other day, “Now at last we’ll all be one.” She herself seldom attends mass and has little time for the church. […]

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Infiltration: A Method which Catholics and Communists both use. There are in the world today two movements which on the one hand are diametrically opposed to one another, but which on the other hand copy each other’s methods and admire each other’s organization and success. They are International Communism and the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal D’Alston, […]

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Catholic Action is an Organized, Planned, and Worldwide Program for the Extension of the Hierarchical Power at the Roman Catholic Church. The degree to which Catholic Action is organized both on the local and international levels is amazing. Cardinal Gracias of Bombay has said that part of the genius of Catholic Action lies in the degree […]

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What is Latria? Do you need a few clues? It’s not a small country near Estonia. It’s not a large tropical rodent. It is an important issue facing the Christian Reformed Church. The Christian Reformed Synod is currently considering whether to revise question and answer 80 of the Heidelberg Catechism. This Q.&A. deals with the […]

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