
THE RIGHT ROAD TO CHURCH UNITY Throughout the centuries believers have expressed their faith in the existence of one, holy, catholic church. The author of the epistle to the Hebrews writes: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The oneness of the church belongs to the things not seen. […]

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“JUST CALL ME DICK” “Ministers of God’s Word” have a real problem these days. Their problem is that they don’t know what to call themselves as they move among their fellowmen in twentieth century American society. The title “Reverend” seems so awkward. Besides, any high school graduate (or most any high school graduate) can tell you that the […]

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Clowns in the Pulpit?

Karl Barth is reported to have said that all music should have only one goal; the honor and glory of God. What an ideal! What a challenge for the music departments of our schools and colleges. And that this ideal applies equally to the other departments such as literature, sports, etc., goes without saying. One just […]

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MINISTERS, COUNSELORS, AND QUACKS! The June 7, 1963, issue of Christianity Today is in the main devoted to ministers and the problem of preaching. The common complaint is that ministers do not have time to make sermons. That is quite an anomoly. Imagine a physician saying that he was too busy to practice medicine. For us […]

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One would hardly look to the Saturday Evening Post as the place to Bod a diagnosis of the ills of the Church. And yet an article in its November 17, 1962 issue entitled “Why I Quit the Ministry” in an unusually blunt and concrete fashion offers such an analysis. THE INDICTMENT It is in the context of […]

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The Church is Jesus’ “new creation by water and the Word.” As the Belgic Confession has made so clear, to be united to Christ includes being united to his Body, the visible Church. For those not formally belonging to a local manifestation of the catholic Church they are “duty bound” to join it with joy. […]

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“He can no longer have God for his Father, who has not the Church for his mother.” This is the outlook of our Confession. This phrase, penned by Cyprian and taken up by John Calvin, is expressed and applied in the words of faith in Belgic Confession, Articles 27–36. The doctrine of the church was […]

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Thoughts for the New Year

We are living in an age where Hol­lywood permeates the modern mind and holds all things holy in disdain. Public education disre­gards the Triune God altogether while flaunting the blasphemous theory of evolution. Throughout the nation laws are being passed protecting evil while our Lord is being banned from all places pub­lic. The preborn babes […]

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After the sounding forth of the first six trumpets in Revelation 8-9, we have an interlude before the sound­ing forth of the seventh and final trumpet in Revelation 11:15ff. The interlude is found in Revelation 10:1-11:14, and it concerns the nature of the church, even as she finds herself in the midst of the mighty […]

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Will the Protestant church survive? Will the Reformed church endure? We have not the high liturgy of Rome: we have no rosaries, no mass, no candles, nor pope.  With- out these things will the Protestant church survive? Will the Reformed church endure? We have not the gifts of the charismatics: no speaking in tongues, faith […]

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