ABOUT THE NECESSITY OF SCRIPTURE… The Bible is not a volume of literary genius to admire; it is the revelation of divine grace to believe. It is not just one of the ten best books written by man; it is the only Book written by God. It is not the product of religious faith; it […]
When a structure begins to crumble, we must look to its foundations for the source of its weakness. One of the foundations on which our society was built was the sanctity of marriage and the home. Today we witness the erosion of this foundation. The divorce courts are filled. Marriage has become an experiment in the […]
In these days of the welfare state we are all familiar with the road that leads to bureaucracy. The government sets up a bureau in a certain area of service, seemingly rather innocent at first, but it soon mushrooms into something very important, that clings to the body politic, like the barnacles that attach themselves to […]
NOTE No. 1 These notes were written on board the S. S. Orsova as it was steaming south and westward toward Australia. A number of fine Christian folk were on board; real Christian fellowship was enjoyed. Various subjects were discussed. Christian education was one of these. The minister from the Assembly of God (Pentecostal), the […]
The school principal is in a unique and strategic position in the field of education. Education “busses” all around him. He sees and feels the rapid pulse-beat of modern education from practically every angle. Students, teachers, parents all confront him with the day-by-day, actual problems of school life. Board, faculty, promotional organizations press upon him the responsibilities […]
Although scores of thousands of children never attend the public schools in the United States and Canada, all parents are taxed alike to maintain the public school system. Christian parents whose convictions will not allow them to use “neutral” schools for the training of their children are therefore penalized as they erect and maintain schools consistent with […]
A new dictator has risen to power! He is not a member of the United Nations Security Council. He is not officially recognized by any existing national government. He has not been elected to any office by any constituency. That dictator must be destroyed or we and our children shall be destroyed. But he is very […]
In the last issue I introduced the discussion of the movement for a Calvinistic University in America by undertaking a fairly broad analysis of the present historical situation. An attempt was made to assess elements of strength and weakness as a background for realistic thinking concerning the attainment of this goal. The particular advantage of […]
For a number of decades Calvinistic Christians have been giving expression to the hope that there might be a “Free University” in America. It has remained, however, little more than an ideal. That the ideal has not been realized may be accounted for in many ways. Not every observer would agree perhaps on all points. But […]
Reformed Christians accept among their creeds a statement called The Belgic Confession or, simply, The Confession of Faith. In the foreword to this creed we are told that a man in Belgium, Guido de Bres, died a martyr’s death because he wrote this creedal statement. It is, therefore, a thing to be taken seriously. In […]