The adjustment of the interpretation of the first chapters of Genesis to the hypotheses of evolutionism is, of course, not recent. This has been done ever since Darwinism became popular. What is recent, however, are the inroads which this philosophy is making into two Reformed denominations—the one in the Netherlands, caned De Gereformeerde Kerken, and the […]

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“Science, God and You”

Review of the recent book written by Enno Wolthuis. Published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1963. 121 pages. Price $2.50. I assume that most of our readers know that the author of this book, Dr. Wolthuis, is professor of chemistry at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. He received the bachelor’s degree from Calvin […]

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“The Unity and Disunity of the Church”

The book mentioned in the heading of this article is a Wm. B. Eerdmans publication. Its author is Dr. G.W. Bromiley, an evangelical Anglican, and a recent addition to the Faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary. This is an important book. It reveals wide learning and deals with a subject which holds first place in the […]

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C. Van Til and His Critics

THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH: Cornelius Van Til; 436 pp. The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1955.                     This volume setting forth the now famed Bramble Patch Philosopher’s answer to his critics is in a sense a welcome one indeed. In another sense the […]

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Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought

by John M. Frame, reviewed by William Edgar The significance of Cornelius Van Til in recent Christian thought can hardly be overstated. His writings have generated intense discussion among friends and foes alike. Until now nearly everything written about Van Til has come from the pens of either uncritical followers or unsympathetic critics. This volume, […]

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A Review Article – Ecumenical Jihad

Ecumenical Jihad: Ecumenism and the Culture War by Peter Kreeft. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996.               Reading Ecumenical Jihad by Peter Kreeft, is a unique experience. Many of us share with Peter Kreeft this intensity of feeling regarding the by-products of secularization in the life of Americans. But I […]

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A Teen Review of the RYS Convention

The first annual Reformed Youth Services National Convention can be hailed as a success. We, the excited teens, arrived on Monday, July 30 between 1–5 p.m. at beautiful Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Surrounded by grand mountains and spectacular old buildings we found a haven to learn about “Taking Every Thought Captive,” our theme […]

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Thoughts about Synod 2004

The man behind the ticket counter at the Kalamazoo Airport asked for our birth certificate or passport. Mr. Visser, the Elder delegate from our church, and I had neither. Our wives offered to run home to get them, after all the airport is only fifteen minutes away and we were over an hour early. “No, […]

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Both present members of the Christian Reformed Church and former members take a keen interest in that denomination’s Synod which took place in Grand Rapids, Michigan this past June. One hundred eighty-eight delegates from forty-seven classes in the United States and Canada met at Calvin College to work through the lengthy agenda. As an outsider, […]

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“A Site to Behold” Website Review

This is the first in a series of articles planned to introduce the readership of The Outlook to resources on the web that can be helpful to Reformed Christians. Whether you are a web guru or relatively new to the digital world, I hope you will benefit from these reviews of websites and blogs that […]

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