Nimes 1980 – The Reformed Ecumenical Synod

It was about a year ago that I was asked to write a report on the RES meeting in Nimes, France. At that Synod, I had served as a non–voting delegate of the Christian Reformed Church. I had deferred the writing of the report until I had in my hands a copy of the RES […]

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What do you say to 120 million Muslims?

Many American Christians are finding their own knowledge of Islam inadequate to understand the developments in Iran, Africa and the Arab world. Missions to Islamic countries report a fresh openness to the gospel, and last October saw 150 missionary strategists gathered in Colorado Springs to analyze Muslim evangelization. The following interview with Bassam Madany, a Syrian-born […]

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The Christian Mind

During the early fifties, I read a pamphlet by Roland Allen, a British missionary with long years of experience in the Far East, dealing with education in the mission field. In his critique of educating children of unbelievers in mission schools, he wrote: Christian education is far more the teaching of Christians than teaching given […]

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Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

During 1993, Public Television (Channel 11 in Chicago) showed a special program dealing with the present status of Evangelicalism in the USA. The project was sponsored by the Pew Charitable Foundation and based on Randall Balmer’s book with the same title. The work was first published by the Oxford University Press in 1989. An expanded […]

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The Glory of the Impossible

It was during my first year at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA, that I was spending a quiet Saturday afternoon in its library and discovered a book that attracted my attention. It dealt with missions to Muslims. The author was Dr. Samuel Zwemer; the tide, The Cross Above the Crescent. I had […]

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Christian Missions to Islam and Western Culture

As we approach the end of this century, we need a new vision of world missions based on a realistic description of our times. We are living in a new era of world history. In the early days of modern missions, between 1800 and 1950, the West was still more or less Christian, and its […]

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Reflections on the “Uniqueness of Jesus Christ”

Throughout my missionary career, I had two main goals: 1) Present ing the Gospel to the followers of Islam from a specifically Reformed perspective, and 2) Challenging certain trends which were in conflict with the historic mission of the universal church. In reflecting on the work of missions from William Carey’s days to the early […]

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A Review Article – Ecumenical Jihad

Ecumenical Jihad: Ecumenism and the Culture War by Peter Kreeft. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996.               Reading Ecumenical Jihad by Peter Kreeft, is a unique experience. Many of us share with Peter Kreeft this intensity of feeling regarding the by-products of secularization in the life of Americans. But I […]

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Missions to Muslims in the 21st Century

As we approach the Third Millennium, we need a new vision of world missions based on the solid foundation of the Word of God coupled with a realistic description of our times. We are living in a new era of world history. In the early days of modern missions, between 1800 and 1950, the West […]

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The Changing Faces of Missions

We date modern missionary activities from the days of William Carey in 1792. What tremendous differences there are between Christian missions of two centuries ago and our own times! In the period following the long religious wars, Europe was divided into Protestant and Roman Catholic areas. At that time, religious and commercial energies seemed to […]

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