Are God’s People Grateful?

“At even ye shall eat flesh and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah your God.” Exodus 16:12 Thanksgiving day finds us this year with many things for which we ought to be thankful and yet there often seems to be so little of true thanksgiving. […]

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The Decline of Good Reading

The reading habits of the average evangelical Christian in the United States, as far as I have been able to observe them, are so wretchedly bad as actually to arrest the spiritual development of the individual believer and block the progress of the faith he professes to hold. So powerful is the effect of the printed […]

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How Can We Improve our Family Altars?

In our former article we wrote on the threat which modern life, with its materialism and its mad rush, poses to the perpetuation of our family altars. Two things point to the possibility of the complete secularization of many Christian homes in a not too distant future. The first is the absence of all family devotions […]

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Calvin’s Conception of the Church

In dealing with such a subject as “Calvin’s Conception of the Church” one may well be on his guard against diverse temptations. He who would be known as a Calvinist is in peril of unduly exalting the person of John Calvin and of ascribing to his teaching a quality approaching infallibility. Perhaps that danger is […]

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Teener’s Corner: What About Todays Young People?

QUESTION: Do you think young people today are much worse than in the days of our grandparents? A group of us teeners have been discussing this. We are irritated by remarks that we young people have to be warned, watched. and disciplined much more than teeners of previous generations. ANSWER: I, too, am irritated by some of those […]

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In the previous verses Jesus had explained His own attitude to the law of God. We must bear this attitude in mind as we now listen to his interpretation of various commandments. The proper interpretation of the law is essential to a person’s righteousness. Jesus has condemned the righteousness of the Pharisees. What then is […]

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What is the proper interpretation of the seventh commandment? What docs it forbid and what does it allow? Is a different interpretation of this commandment necessary for different times? These questions are important in every age and especially in our own. We will do well to study Jesus’ interpretation of this commandment. He introduces his discussion […]

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The sixth annual convention of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies was held this year on March 31 and April 1, at Pine Rest Christian Association grounds. The formal program was in the chapel and in the multi-purpose room of Children’s Retreat and the meals were served at Cutlerville Christian School. The accommodations and food were […]

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