Devotional Studies in Ephesians “And you did he make alive, when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins, wherein ye once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the powers of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience; among whom we also […]
(The writer wishes it to be understood that he had no particular consistory and congregation in mind in describing present customs and practices in nominating find choosing pastors.) It is safe to say that many members of our churches feel that something is wrong with the system of calling ministers in the Christian Reformed Church. Expressions of that sentiment are […]
We read in the great resurrection chapter of the New Testament, I Corinthians 15, verse 4: “If Christ hath not been raised, then is our preaching vain, your faith also is vain.” And again in verse 17: “If Christ hath not been raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” […]
Late one afternoon in April found me sitting on the front door stoop of our U-shaped flat in Colombo, Ceylon, which housed nine families. I was out to get whatever evening breezes would come my way from the Indian Ocean after an exceptionally hot and humid day. Exactly twenty feet across from me was an identical stoop […]
“I am so ignorant, I can’t stand it.” How old do you think the person was who said this? Was she your or my age? Why do you think she might have been someone your or my age? Is it not because we realize increasingly that we could be far beyond where we are in knowledge, […]
There is a ripple of disturbance running through the Christian Reformed Church. With some justification this ripple might perhaps be called a wave. On the crest of this wave there is carried, among other things, the question of a correct understanding of the meaning of Genesis 1 and subsequent chapters and the relevance of their revealed […]
How can men doubt when seasons move In perfect continuity, When sun and stars and tides but prove God’s constant harmony? Who else could build the mountains high And stoop to make a flower, Then set the planets in the sky With such majestic power? Who else, before man’s need arose, Could fill the mines […]
QUESTION: Much has been said about the evils of today’s youth. What do you think are some of the good points of my generation (I am a teenager)? I especially want to know what you think of our youth movements and organizations. […]
The doctrine of the inspiration and authority of Scripture has been persistently relegated to the background in the past half century by many who regard it as of peripheral importance only. And yet here, as in few places else, some of the central issues of philosophy and theology are brought to focus. Three Views of Inspiration There […]
From all over the United States and Canada, from 44 nations around the world, by car or bus, by plane or train or ship, 3,200 students came to the University of Illinois during the Christmas holidays for the Fifth International Student Missionary Convention. Sponsored by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and its affiliates, the Nurses’ Christian Fellowship and Student Foreign Missions Fellowship, the […]