The Head of the Church

“…and he put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.” Ephesians 1:22, 23 The words quoted above stand at the close of a prayer that begins at verse 17. Paul’s prayers […]

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Should We Be a Confessing Church?

It is remarkable how many of the issues which have arisen in the Christian Reformed Church have be­ come issues also in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands. There was a time when doctrinal controver­sies in that Church were imported into our own denomination. We think, for example, of the questions of infra- and supralapsarianism, […]

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Why Join the Boy Scouts?

Not all our boys have the time or feel the need to join a boys’ organization. Yet normal boyS’ have what is often called the club spirit, or gang spirit. That is, they have an innate desire to associate with likeminded boys and to share pleas­ures and activities. Recognizing this fact, some of our leaders organized the […]

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What About the Dance?

This article begins as a re­ view of a 24-page pamphlet sent to us by Rev. Harry Mulder, Th. D., one of the pastors of the Reformed Church of Delft, the Netherlands. Its title is “De Gereformeerden en de Dans” (Reformed People and the Dance). It is a report signed by eight persons: Sieto Hoving, I. Keek­ […]

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Fundraising Projects in Our Societies

It is probably safe to assume that all of the women’s groups in our churches—whether they are called guilds, ladies’ aids, or circles—have as their primary purpose the study of the Bible. But there is not the same degree of unanimity in the matter of obtaining money by means other than the offerings at the meetings. Some […]

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Comparing Our Country with the Netherlands

One of our Christian teachers, who taught in Holland for a season as a Fulbright scholar, compares especially its system of education with our own. In these days we are urged on every hand to develop a tolerance and an understanding of peoples, na­tionalities, and races, in order that we may attain to world peace. Among […]

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Teeners’ Corner

QUESTION: My parents are good people but they always are complaining that all I think about is having a good time. I am a boy 15 years old, and it seems to me that I should be permitted to go out nights and have fun with the kids. My parents keep telling me that when […]

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Herman Dooyeweerd, Dr. jur., Pro­fessor of Law at the Free University of Amsterdam, has accepted the invi­tation of the Reformed Fellowship to lecture in this country. Professor Dooyeweerd is to be on this conti­nent from June 1 to November 1 of this year. The Reformed Fellowship, publishers of TORCH AND TRUMPET, are grateful for the […]

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The Second Coming of Christ

Outline XXI From your Bibles read Matthew 25:31–40; also Luke 12:47, 48. THE FINAL JUDGMENT (Second Outline) 1. WHEN WIll IT OCCUR? From the section which you have just read it is clear that the final judg­ment will take place immediately after Christ’s second coming and the resurrection of the dead: “When the Son of man […]

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The Gods That Failed

Will Our Civilization Survive? Something has gone wrong with our twentieth century civilization. Mankind today is full of fear and anx­iety. Toynbee in his “A Study of History,” sought to analyze the break­ down and the disintegration of civili­zations. Laski in “The Dilemma of Our Times,” claims that the prevailing mood of our day is “one of somber pessimism […]

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