Thanksgiving Anyway

There was trouble in Judah and Jerusalem. The people of Israel had split into two countries. Jeroboam was king of the northern ten tribes and Rehoboam was king of the southern two tribes including the capital city of Jerusalem. We read in II Chronicles that “after Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had […]

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Missions to Muslims in the 21st Century

As we approach the Third Millennium, we need a new vision of world missions based on the solid foundation of the Word of God coupled with a realistic description of our times. We are living in a new era of world history. In the early days of modern missions, between 1800 and 1950, the West […]

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Can We Combat Apostasy?

The year was 1939, and the Spanish Civil War was almost over. Just outside Madrid, the rebel general Mola was ready to begin his attack. Someone asked which of his four columns of troops would be the first to enter the city. “The fifth,” he responded. His answer became world famous. The general’s most important […]

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A Fragrance of Life This Child Never Forgot

The strong pungent flavor of the vanilla available just across the border from our San Diego home was a treat I enjoyed during our years living there. Somehow it seemed my cookies had so much more flavor when I added that Mexican Vanilla. So, when our family relocated to the East Coast, I carried with […]

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Christians Must Speak Out

Bill Clinton may be the lightening rod but he isn’t the issue. Whether you know it or not, you, your family, this community and our nation are right in the middle of a cultural war. The battle has little to do with the president’s seamy sex life, but it has everything to do with what […]

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READ GENESIS 3:1–7 The first two chapters of Genesis confront us with beautiful realities about God the Creator, about the power of His Word, and His loving devotion to the crown of His handiwork, namely, mankind. There is not a hint of sin or rebellion. God left no stone unturned until everything is in place. […]

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Lying Under Oath: Past and Present

Quietly and without public comment the House Judiciary Committee is preparing for possible impeachment hearings against President Clinton. Defenders of the president claim that even if he lied under oath and in fact did have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, “everybody lies about sex” and therefore such a lie should not be an impeachable […]

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