Window of Opportunity

When we chose the wording for the theme of this issue of The Outlook, we were tempted to put a question mark behind it to read WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY? This would not be strange because CR synods have been flip-flopping the past four years—seriously jeopardizing their credibility. And although this year’s synodical decision re: women […]

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This Majority Report adopted by the CRC Synod 1994 drew abusive comments on the floor of synod from its opponents, such as: “barsh, insensitive, almost wicked, legalistic, Christless, unpastoral, arrogant, idolizing the Bible, no generosity, almost out of order, heartless, one horse shea, Pharasaical, not brotherly, a lousy cup of coffee.” A house divided against […]

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One morning, about a week after the CRC Synod ‘94 adjourned, my telephone rang and the conversation with a male caller went something like this: Caller: Hello, is this Laurie Vanden Heuvel?               Responder: Yes it is. Caller: I am a deacon in one of the local CRC’s and […]

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When God Gives People What They Want

The title of this article is borrowed with permission from a sermon my husband preached some time ago. As I observed the synod of the CRC in session and the protest by the women and their supporters the day following the vote by synod not to ratify the 1993 decision to allow women in the […]

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RU486 and Soulless Technology

The Clinton Administration’s tireless effort to import the abortion pill known as RU 486 into the United States provides additional evidence that when the President promised to make abortions “rare,” he was not telling the truth.               Once America celebrated life-enhancing discoveries by men such as Jonas Salk and […]

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Discipline: Thoughts on Methodology

Last month, we reviewed together the Biblically-established reasons for the elders’ involvement in the practice of church discipline. I suggested three: for the church’s sake (to prevent spiritual carelessness, or the spreading of the diseases of disobedience), for the holiness and honor of the Lord and the reputation of His name, and finally, and especially, […]

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editors and readers of The Outlook: Imagine my surprise when I discovered an eight-page article on The Fourth Day in the March issue of The Outlook. The number eight and the month of March were especially significant to me in this context because it was eight years ago, in March of 1986, that I […]

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