Editorial Note: In this contribution the Rev. Mr. Kloosterman, pastor of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, Sheldon, Iowa. comments on the petition (gravamen) presented by Dr. Harry R. Boer to the 1977 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church. In this gravamen Boer asks the church to declare that statements in the Canons of Dort, one of […]
According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world. that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Ephesians 1:4 How elated Paul is! He seems to be overwhelmed with some special, happy thought and experience. Listen. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus […]
JOURNAL: How many individuals have you talked with? CHAO: I have had extended interviews with five people, and I have about a dozen more scheduled. JOURNAL: Just who are these people? CHAO: My interviews are primarily with residents of China who have emigrated lawfully, and with a few visitors who have been able to live […]
A HOLE IN THE DIKE, Critical Aspects of Berkouwer’s Theology, by Carl Bogue. Mack Publishing Co., Cherry Hill, N.J., 27 pp., 1977, paper, $ .95. A HALF CENTURY OF THEOLOGY, by G.C. Berkouwer, William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 268 pp. 1977, paper, $9.95. THE NEW SYNTHESIS THEOLOGY OF THE NETHERLANDS, by Cornelius Van Til, Presbyterian […]
The subject of hospitality is often discussed when ministers and their wives get together. A deep concern is expressed by many of them that hospitality is not being practiced by many members of our Christian communities and thus an urgent need is not being met. Lonely people are everywhere singles, sick and shut-ins, and newcomers […]
Louis Praamsma is a retired Christian Reformed minister living in Hamilton, Ontario, after having served a number of pastorates both in the Netherlands and in Canada. He is the author of a life of John Calvin and more recently of a multi-volume Church History (covering a subject which he also taught for a time at […]
WHICH BIBLE VERSION? In recent years the Revised Standard Version of the Bible has become increasingly popular in Reformed circles. The earlier stigma of a “liberal bias” largely disappeared, and it is quite likely the version most used on our pulpits today. I don’t regret this, nor do I question it. In the congregation I […]
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE by William Hendriksen; 1122 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $13.98. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. A commentator of the caliber of William Hendriksen comes along not once in a generation but more likely only once in a century. Just scanning, and here and there dipping into, The Gospel of […]