Rootless Souls

Several months ago, in the aftermath of the Guyana carnage, a cartoon appeared in the Los Angeles Times. It featured a large human monster named cults. The monster held the Bible in one hand, the other hand clutching a number of strings attached to human puppets. The caption said, “Give me your rootless souls.”   […]

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Are You on a Diet?

Diets and menus are a big part of a homemaker’s conversation. Don’t we eagerly exchange recipes, listen to different ideas and learn modern techniques? After all we are usually responsible for the preparation and serving of meals. Much time and thought goes into the selection of foods to include on our menus in order to […]

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True Friendship

Friendship has sometimes been described as the master passion, and most of us will undoubtedly agree that the enjoyment of a “bosom companion” plays a crucial part in our lives. The German word “seelenfreund” (soul-friend) is a beautiful, self-explanatory word for friend, for it adequately expresses the basic, intimate and spiritual nature of friendship. Poor indeed […]

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Christian Hospitality

The subject of hospitality is often discussed when ministers and their wives get together. A deep concern is expressed by many of them that hospitality is not being practiced by many members of our Christian communities and thus an urgent need is not being met. Lonely people are everywhere singles, sick and shut-ins, and newcomers […]

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First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. II Peter 1:20, 21 (RSV) “Private interpretation and continuing revelation.” I’ve been tossing these phrases around in my […]

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Christmas Peace

This is the season of Christmas. Many of you are sending and receiving Christmas cards. Perhaps the most recurring theme on these cards is “Peace on earth.” This is a popular phrase with believers and unbelievers alike for a reason. “Peace” is something all human beings crave even though they may differ substantially on their definition of […]

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What is “Progress”? (II)

In our last article we saw that what some see as “progress” in the CRC, others label as alarming “regress.” We noted that a basic incompatibility on the doctrine of the authority of Scripture was responsible for disturbing decisions and positions taken by the CRC in recent days. The focus of controversy at this year’s Synod […]

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What is “Progress”? (I)

“Progress” can be defined as the process of advancing toward a specific goal. There have been sharp differences of opinion on what constitutes progress in various areas of human endeavor. In the area of environment control, some view progress as the development of new shopping plazas and housing developments. Conservationists see these projects not as […]

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Are You Listening?

Recently a missionary said: “Violence against Christians is on the increase in every part of the world, the West included. God is removing His restraints, with the result that political oppression, polarization of peoples and ideas and harsh raw violence are surfacing everywhere, and as it was in the days of the early church, men […]

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Reformed Women Speak: Immunity

When it comes to health and communicable diseases we are all agreed that it is important to have immunity. Thanks to public health care, measles and chicken pox just aren’t what they used to he. But this past winter the Russian flu hit our high schools exactly as predicted, because the population under 25 years […]

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