Where Are the Ten Thousand?

Statistics, someone has once said, can be used to prove anything. Though this is largely true, if statistics are correctly handled they are also able to give a fairly adequate survey of any given situation. In the Christian Reformed Church mention has been made from time to time of the rather amazing growth which we […]

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Special and General Revelation

We are concerned in this series of articles with the problem of Reformed apologetics. In the first three articles we discussed the general nature of Reformed apologetics. Its method, we saw, is radically different from that of Romanist-evangelical apologetics. The latter starts from the presupposition that man has a measure of ultimacy or autonomy. This […]

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Professor Dr. Klaas Schilder

The sudden death of Dr. Klaas Schilder may not pass by unnoticed by the Reformed communities throughout the world. Although he worked most intensively within the frontiers of the Netherlands, his influence as a penetrating student of the Word of God was and is felt wherever men and women love the Reformed faith. Within the constellation […]

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The TRUTH About the Bible

(This article is a reflection on that by Hartzell Spence, which appeared in the Feb. 26, 1952 issue of Look.) 50,000 errors in the New Testament! What a sensational statement. If the purpose of Hartzell Spence was to undermine faith in the reliability of the Word, he could hardly have chosen a better headline. He […]

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Popular Religious Fallacies

NOTE: This is the seventh of a series of attitudes on common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to Orthodox Christianity.                       What Is Unitarianism? UNITARIANISM is that religious system which denies that there are three Persons in the Godhead. It holds that there is only […]

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The Requisite for Membership

Almost all churches are intent on numerical growth. Most ministers in particular are eager to see the membership of their churches increase by leaps and bounds. That attitude is not necessarily wrong. Provided those who are added to the church are saved, additions most certainly are cause for warm gratitude. But not infrequently the desire for numerical […]

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REVIEW OF CHAPTERS I–IV CHAPTER I The Relevance of Calvinism for Today By Dr. Clarence Bouma In this opening chapter Dr. Bouma asks and answers three questions, namely: I. What do we mean by Calvinism? II. Why is Calvinism so sorely needed with a view to our present-day ethical task? III. How is this task to […]

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