Introduction I am submitting two articles with the humble hope that they might serve profitably in instructing, reminding, and encouraging present and future office bearers to engage faithfully in their respective duties as office bearers to the glory of God and the good of the church. The design is a simple overview of the idea […]
The task or the organized church is to teach and preach the Word of God. Whatever else it may properly do is subordinate and subsidiary to that task. This is the one great task of the organized church. In the great commission Christ charged the apostles and the church of succeeding ages: “Make disciples of all nations…teaching […]
It is difficult, if not impossible, to conceive of an organization without officers. The church as an organization also has its officers. Unfortunately there are in Christendom many misconceptions of the church’s offices. And with these misconceptions are bound up erroneous views concerning the importance of the organized church. Therefore a study of these offices […]
That every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is in duty bound to belong to the organized church is ‘beyond dispute. However, the visible church is divided into a great many parts known as denominations, and some parts are so independent of all others as to call themselves undenominational. Thus the question arises in which one […]
Almost all churches are intent on numerical growth. Most ministers in particular are eager to see the membership of their churches increase by leaps and bounds. That attitude is not necessarily wrong. Provided those who are added to the church are saved, additions most certainly are cause for warm gratitude. But not infrequently the desire for numerical […]