Today the feeling is widespread that the Christian Reformed Church is passing through a period of spiritual declension. Although the churches are still crowded with worshipers who give liberally, we are facing an attitude of smugness on the part of many who think that we have “arrived.” They are willing to expand the practical programs […]
Introduction I am submitting two articles with the humble hope that they might serve profitably in instructing, reminding, and encouraging present and future office bearers to engage faithfully in their respective duties as office bearers to the glory of God and the good of the church. The design is a simple overview of the idea […]
The question whether office-bearers and ecclesiastical assemblies in the Christian Reformed Church arc bound to certain dogmas and courses of procedure may seem to he superfluous. We have our Doctrinal Standards as well as the Church Order. Of course, these arc binding for all who subscribe to them. Yet this obvious fact may be forgotten and […]