The documentary Free Solo is about rock climber Alex Honnold, who climbs the 3,200-foot sheer granite face of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park without any ropes. And he lived to tell it. Why would anyone do something so difficult and dangerous? In an interview he said, “If you’re seeking perfection, free soloing is as […]
Successful Premier Kyrie Convention Centers on Lordship of Christ A resounding success-that is an apt description of the Kyrie ‘95 youth convention held July 10–13 at Kettunen Center in Tustin, Ml. Over 160 people (120 young people, 33 sponsors/youth leaders and eight ministers) attended the four-day event which featured as its theme, “The Lordship of […]
HUDSONVILLE – Reformed Youth Services, a new youth ministry designed to assist youth leaders and young people in churches dedicated to the historic Reformed faith, commenced its ministry May 1. Ed DeGraaf, Jr. was appointed as director of Reformed Youth Services. According to Rev. Stephen Arrick, board chairman, Reformed Youth Services will serve as a […]
We have heard predictable explanations for the tragic killings of four children and a teacher by children in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Some say it’s violence on television and in films. While today’s graphic “entertainment” violence is far worse than the cowboys, vaporizing aliens and monsters I grew up watching, that alone seems an incomplete excuse. Others […]
It was ten years ago. I was in the midst of finishing out the year as a long term sub at the local Christian high school. My daughter, a freshman, was one of my students. Some of the other students had been intrigued by the fact that she was comfortable having her mom as a […]
Every couple of weeks, I write a mediation for the college kids from our church. Many of them are in Christian colleges, but many others are in State universities or graduate schools. I write the meditation in e-mail format since almost all college kids today are “on line.” They forward the meditations to literally hundreds […]
It doesn’t take much insight or cultural awareness to realize that we need to be concerned about the culture in which our children are growing. The philosophies of materialism, autonomy, entitlement, and hedonism beckon them at every turn. The popular media is able to beam these philosophies into our homes by means of powerful drama, […]
A BIBLICAL MODEL OF SEXUALITY Three things are critical to a Christian model of sexuality. Sex is a key way that a person expresses worship (Romans 1:18–27) Romans 1:21–27 portrays sex as a principal way in which a person reveals who or what is really ruling his life. Sexual sin is by its very nature […]
My husband and I live in a luscious fruit belt on the western side of Michigan, bordering Lake Michigan. Among the many acres of mature fruit trees, one will often see a new orchard with row upon row of twigs tied to wooden stakes which are standing straight and tall. These tender shoots are attached […]
A THREE-FOLD PLAN FOR HELPING TEENS Prevention: Responsibly Educating our Teens It is important to place sexuality in the context of a larger Christian world and life view. These perspectives lend sense and order to the practical sexual agenda to which you will call teenagers. Without them the responsibilities and sacrifices of godly sexuality will […]