The Relevance of History

A great deal is being said today about the necessity of relevance. It is alleged that Christianity as it was understood by Christians in the first century is not relevant to modern man, that modern man, conditioned as he is by the scientific world-view, cannot accept the framework in which the New Testament is cast and […]

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What Professor Kuiper said….

ON THE LOVE OF GOD… Occasionally one hears it said by Calvinists that God is good and benevolent to all the children of men but that He loves only the elect. According to Scripture, however, it may be said without the slightest hesitation that God loves all men. But what Scripture does not teach is […]

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In the past century and a half modern man has been thoroughly indoctrinated with the notion that natural law, not a personal God, controls the world. The apostle Peter stated that “there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming?” (II Peter 3:4). Such men […]

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Jesus after His resurrection said to his disciples that “repentance unto remission of sins should be preached in his name unto all the nations” (Luke 24:46). On the eve of his ascension he gave the mandate, “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, […]

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What Verbal Inspiration is Not!

Objections have been raised repeatedly, as we have seen, against the Bible’s teaching of its unique inspiration. In this way an attempt has often been made to undercut the sovereign authority with which the Word addresses men. Many of the so-called objections against the doctrine of verbal inspiration are caricatures of what the Bible and therefore […]

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Did God Dictate His Word?

We are continuing our brief series on the inspiration of God’s Word. Our concern is not to set forth that doctrine as such; rather it is to expose some of the oft-beard caricatures of this position which the church has championed and cherished for centuries. In our first article we raised the question: How reliable is […]

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WHERE THE LINES SHOULD BE DRAWN… The tumult and shouting of the American political campaign of 1964 have long since died away. New situations are developing to occupy attention, challenging us with their principles and compelling us to take our position. While the fires of conflict kindled throughout the world blind our eyes, legislation to […]

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Is the Bible Clear?

Can you pick up your Bible, begin reading at Genesis 1, complete the entire book, and then, despite all the people and places, be able to summarize the basic message of what salvation is? There was a time when the Roman Catholic Church stridently debated whether to allow the translation of the Scriptures into the […]

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The Erasmian Imulse (II)

In Luther’s refutation of Erasmus, “The Bondage of the Will,” Luther attacked the theological impulse behind Erasmus’ defense of free will. That impulse, Luther believed, undermined the Bible’s authority and distorted the character of God as revealed in the Bible. Luther insisted on strong assertions of Christian truth against the tolerant and skeptical approach of […]

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John Murray: Man of Prayer (II)

PRAYER ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE John Murray’s practice of prayer was the outpouring of his devotion to the Triune God revealed in Scripture. The language of his prayer was the language of Scripture, for his prayer reflected what God says to us in His Word, and what we say to Him, guided by His Word and […]

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