Berkouwer on Election

Dr. Alvin L. Baker is Associate Professor of Theology and Bible at Northeastern Bible College in Essex Falls, New Jersey. In obtaining his Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, he wrote his dissertation on A Critical Evaluation of C. C. Berkouwer’s Doctrine of Election. THE OULOOK greatly appreciates his permission as well as the approval of […]

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Sphere Sovereignty Re-Examined

The concept of Sphere Sovereignty is capturing ever greater interest in the CRC and also in other circles. It is highly necessary that we have a clear understanding of what this expression implies. In this lucid article, Or. Norman De Jong, professor at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa, makes clear-cut distinctions to assist the reader […]

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Baarda in Canada

Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of St. Thomas, Ontario. His article, “Baarda in Canada” was delivered as an address at the Canadian Reformed Fellowship meeting held in Toronto on September 16, 1972. On September 11, 1972 Professor Dr. T. Baarda of the Free University of Amsterdam spoke to […]

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Where is Lever Headed? (3)

Following is a continuation and the final installment of Dr. Aaldert Mennega’s evaluation of the book, WHERE ARE WE HEADED?, by Dr. Jan Lever, professor of Zoology at the Free University of Amsterdam (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 59 pp., $1.65, 1970). Dr. Mennega is chairman of and associate professor in the […]

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Where is Lever Headed? (2)

Following is a continuation of Dr. Aaldert Mennega’s evaluation of the book, WHERE ARE WE HEADED?, by Dr. Jan Lever, Professor of Zoology at the Free University at Amsterdam (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 59 pp. $1.65, 1970). Dr. Mennega is Chairman of and Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at […]

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Science, Evolution, and Abraham Kuyper

Although Dr. Abraham Kuyper certainly was not always right in all he said. he was endowed with a sense of direction for the Christian community which since his time has not been equalled. It was with real vision that he founded the Free University exclusively on Reformed principles. Kuyper saw that there are only two […]

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Another Look at Lever

Fifteen years ago Reformed circles in The Netherlands, and also here, were disturbed in no small degree by views on creation and evolution advocated by Dr. Jan Lever, Professor of Zoology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Two years later, in 1958, Lever’s book was made available in English, having been translated by the late […]

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The Inroads of Subjectivism

W. A. Visser’t Hooft in his little book, Rembrandt and the Gospel, calls attention to the great “crisis of the European mind” of the seventeenth century, characterizing it as “a turning from the objective to the subjective, from theocentric to anthropocentric thought.” In this time of crisis he observes that we may say of the […]

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Professor Kuitert and the Dutch Religious Press

This is the second and last of a series of articles which seek to inform the reader about recent Dutch reactions to the writings of Dr. H. M. Kuitert, Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Professor Kuitert delivered a number of lectures before the Christian Reformed Ministers’ Institute in Grand Rapids […]

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