The book by (Rev.) Clarence Boomsma was distributed to delegates of the CRC Synod ‘93 as a valuable contribution to the deliberations on women in church office. Cornelis P. Venema unmasks some of the grave assertions made by the author. In this one year allotted by Synod ‘93 for further discussion in the churches, members and office-bearers ought […]

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Naming God with Feminine Nouns and Pronouns

The Apostle John’s final words in his first epistle are essential for the church of Jesus Christ today: “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” Naming God with feminine nouns and pronouns is often a clear decision to set before the church an idol. The Fatherhood of God is rooted in the Scriptural revelation of the […]

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Letter to the Editors

Please permit me a few remarks concerning Cornelis P. Venema’s critique of Clarence Boomsma’s Male and Female, One in Christ. I want to make one point about each of his three “pillars.” 1. Venema speaks scornfully of Boomsma’s “theology of equality” based on Galatians 3:28 which says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor […]

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Cornelis Venema Responds

Allow me to begin by thanking Rev. Kuyvenhoven for his response to my review and evaluation of Rev. Boomsma’s book, Male and Female, One in Christ. I encouraged readers of my review to read Boomsma’s book and test whether I accurately summarized or properly evaluated its argument. Kuyvenhoven, though he has found my review wanting, has […]

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Women, the Bible, and the Church

I believe [in] a holy catholic church-in many churches this statement of faith is expressed when believers say the Apostles’ Creed, a creed that has been used virtually from the beginning of the church’s history. This expression of faith stands alongside of affirmations of faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the […]

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Church & World June 1994

The Re-imagining Conference: What are the Facts? A follow-up on Mr. James Dennison’s article on the PCUSA (April ‘94) reveals a women’s conference which confirms the downward spiral. A report of it follows. More than 400 women from the PC(USA) attended an ecumenical “Re-imagining…God, Community, the Church.” Conference in Minneapolis, November 4–7, 1993. In our […]

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The issue of “gender neutrality” in Scripture translation became a matter of grave concern earlier this year. The International Bible Society (IBS) had commissioned its Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) to make the Bible more gender-sensitive. Susan Olasky of WORLD magazine publicly criticized the IBS, CBT and Zondervan Publishing for their plans. In response, Zondervan […]

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Oppression is Openly Opposed

It looked innocent enough when it began. The oppression is now openly opposed. The disparity shown for the inequality that it is. Yet like hot magma, it soon oozed out of its boundaries to engulf everything in its path. As Mt. Vesuvious, it’s a destructive force that is out of control.         […]

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“Great Women Leaders” – Who Are They?

“Does your wife work?” the inquiring mind wanted to know. “All women work,” I replied with my best ‘90s sensitivity. “They are compensated in different ways.” I was reminded of that little exchange when I saw the story in November’s Vanity Fair magazine titled: “America’s Most Influential Women: 200 Legends, Leaders and Trailblazers.” With few […]

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