A Look at Books

THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHURCH GROWTH, by Harvie M. Conn, Editor. Reviewed by Rev. John G. Van Ryn. Through the efforts of Dr. Donald McGavran and others of the School of World Mission at Fuller Seminary, Church Growth has become the focus of much attention in mission circles. Terms such as “winnable people,” “homogeneity,” “people movements” […]

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Jay E. Adams: YOUR PLACE IN THE COUNSELlNG REVOLUTION. Nutley, N.J.; Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976. 44 pp. $ .95. Reviewed by William H. Kooienga, Glen Rock, N.J. Jay Adams continues to write at a pace faster than some are willing to read, The flow of books and pamphlets testifies to a great sense of purpose and […]

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A Look at Books

CHURCH GROWTH IN CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN NIGERIA by John B. Grimley and Gordon E. Robinson. Eerdmans, 1966, 374 pages. This is actually two books in one volume. The first is Church Growth in Central Nigeria by John B. Grimley. The second is Church Growth in Southern Nigeria by Cordon E. Robinson. The authors did their research […]

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CREATIVE MINDS IN CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY, edited by Philip Edgcumbe Hughes. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. $6.95. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, the well-known editor of the (Anglican) Churchman, has greatly obligated us by the edition of this guidebook which surprises us again and again by the wealth of its material, its concise synopses of […]

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Turning the Reformed Church Outward: The Potential for Side-Door Growth For years, North American churches have grown through what might be termed front-door growth. Churches worked hard on their street appeal and redesigned worship services that were welcoming and exciting to the unchurched. This approach proved extraordinarily successful with a large demographic of people who […]

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