
Out on the gulf of night A star explodes in glory. From Heaven its mercy–laden rays Are sent to tell the wondrous tale. Straight to the “House of Bread” it points Where, in the hallowed shadow of a cross, A smiling infant lies, The Bread of Heaven to earth descended. The star? Yes, the world sees […]

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Daane’s Theology*

Professor Cornelius Van Til of Westminster Theological Seminary has, in his little book, The Theology of James Daane, made a most significant contribution to the cause of living orthodoxy. The Daane-Van Til controversy, having its historic origins in the question of “common grace”, has come now lo reveal itself as a controversy about the nature of divine […]

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Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom

At this point in our analysis of fl. Dr. Daane’s concept of Divine sovereignty it is well for us to pause and review the conclusions which we have reached to date. We have shown that this idea of unactualized possibilities in the counsel of God is an idea which is without foundation in Scripture or creed; […]

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The Inescapable Cross III

Thus far in our analysis of Dr. Daane’s theory of “Unactualized Possibilities in the Counsel of God” we have seen with respect to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ that Scripture regards it as a fact inevitably certain. We have seen particularly that the crucifixion was determined by God’s counsel from before the foundation of the world. […]

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Book Reviews

CORNELIUS VAN TIL The Dilemma of Education The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Compony. 1956. ix. 44. In this short but interesting pamphlet Westminster’s Apologist applies his distinctive philosophical approach to the field of education. He proVides us with an evaluation of certain contending philosophies of education in the light of what he believes to be tho only […]

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The Inescapable Cross – Part Two

In the first article bearing the above title it was contended that when the Scripture relates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the eternal counsel of God, it does not in any way give the impression that the death of the Messiah was one of a number of “possibilities,” anyone of which might in the course of history […]

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The Inescapable Cross

We have been seeking to show that the theology espoused amI expressed by Dr. James Daane contains elements which arc seriously divergent from classical Reformed theology. We must now show that those aspects of his theology which are questionable in the light of Reformed traditions and symbols are likewise questionable in the light of holy Scripture. Daane […]

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“Unactualized Possibilites”…and the Confessions

The Reformed conception of divine sovereignty has been forged in the fires of controversy. In particular that doctrine has come into repeated conflict with the doctrine of human freedom and human responsibility. Time and time again the church has been called upon to explain these truths in the light of divine sovereignty. Again and again the […]

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Is It Really Possible?

It is readily acknowledged by almost everyone that there are differences of opinion on doctrinal matters in Reformed circles. One such difference concerns the Sovereignty of God. In the Christian Reformed Church Dr. James Daane has for some years been dealing with various phases of this precious truth. The reader may note particularly Daane’s articles JIl […]

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C. Van Til and His Critics

THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH: Cornelius Van Til; 436 pp. The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1955.                     This volume setting forth the now famed Bramble Patch Philosopher’s answer to his critics is in a sense a welcome one indeed. In another sense the […]

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