Did Adam Exist as a Historical Person?

This question is being asked in the CRC theological community. It is not a new question; most denominations have asked it and have come up with surprisingly different answers. Those who affirm the historical Adam have affirmed the traditional creationist view that God miraculously created man as a complete person. Those who deny Adam’s personal […]

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The work of Christian Reformed missionaries in Mexico has recently been going through a crisis. Especially in this concluding article on Missions in Mexico, Rev. Neal Hegeman helps us to better understand the problems of our mission there. The Hegemans are at present at Apartado 100, San Francisco de Dos Rios, San Jose, Costa Rica, […]

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In the first article on Mexico we described the entry stage of the mission work of the CRC in Mexico. The CRC made contact with migrants in the late 50’s, did follow-up work in Mexico, were invited to work with the Independent Presbyterian Church in Mexico and commenced their mission work in the early 60’s. […]

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In this article Rev. Neal Hegeman who has worked on our mission field in Mexico introduces us to the complex and recently troubled work there. He has graduated from our seminary and is to take up work under the Christian Reformed Board of World Missions in Costa Rica. Recent issues of THE OUTLOOK have contained […]

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Canadian CR Church Growth

In this second article on “Church Growth,” Neal Hegeman, a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary, with a Canadian background and missionary interest and some experience in Latin America, surveys the CR churches’ growth in Canada. I. Introduction In the first article of this series on church growth in the CRC I suggested that we should […]

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Church Growth and the CRC (1)

Definition Church growth is the gracious action of God and the response of man in the formation of a Church community. The Church is the called community of God’s people whom God predestined from eternity to belong to him. The members of the Church are saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and […]

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The Christian and His Body

Neal Hegeman is a senior at Calvin Theological Seminary. He has coached and taught physical education at Reformed Bible College and himself been extensively involved in college athletics. He minored in P.E. at Wilfrid Laurier University at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He hopes to enter missionary service under the Christian Reformed Board of World Missions in […]

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If and when spiritual Christian revival occurs, what will it look like? Scriptures gives us a sure answer. The inspired Psalmist writes: “Revive us, oh Lord, according to your Word” (Ps. 119:107). Revival will be an awesome and unexpected fulfillment of the holy teachings and gracious promises of God as contained in the Scriptures. The […]

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The Holy Spirit and True Religion (III)

Biblical revival comes from God. It is recognized through the standards which God uses to communicate to us about how He works. When God works, He works according to His Word. The Spirit of God convinces us of the necessity for revival and opens our eyes to recognize revival if it pleases God to bring […]

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