The Doctrine of the Antithesis: A Lost Doctrine

In Gen. 3:15 we read that God said “I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the Woman, (God’s people – the church) and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This is a most important doctrine pertaining to one’s salvation. Note first that God […]

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The Kingly Office of Elder

Serious reading today has to a large degree become a lost art. Since the office of Elder is primarily dependent on the self-read, and self-trained layman. This bids fare to become a serious matter with regard to the future welfare of the church. Already a common complaint for many consistories is that they are hard […]

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The United Reformed Church: The Road Ahead?

Some years ago one of our churches had a text printed behind the pulpit. It was a verse from the Bible that was plainly visible to all who came to worship. It read as follows: I JEHOVAH CHANGE NOT This quote from Malachi 3:6 served as a precious truth and a comforting reminder that if […]

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He Is Coming Again

“Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go up into heaven.” Acts 1:11               The angels came to lift up the spirits of […]

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The Redemption of the Soul

All mankind, with rare exception, believes in a life hereafter. There are many cults, pagan beliefs, and false teachers, all of which have their own versions of a life hereafter. All these have their origin in some manmade philosophy. Included among them are the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, New Age, Islam, Buddhism, and others. The Apostle […]

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God’s Salvation from Eternity to Eternity

The ultimate basis for the salvation of man lies in the recesses of eternity, emanating from the counsel of God’s will. Before the foundations of the world were framed, and before any creature was brought into being, it was by the eternal counsel of God, whereby He has determined the eternal destiny of all mankind. […]

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God’s Salvation from Eternity to Eternity Part Two

Justification Justification is another part of God’s orderly plan of salvation for man. It follows the preceding parts, namely, the calling, regeneration, conversion, and faith. The apostolic church of the New Testament was enthusiastically following the instructions of their Master. As a consequence, the gospel spread throughout Asia Minor and beyond, and, as a result, […]

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