Use and Misuse of “Matthew 18”

“If thy brother sin against thee…” The heading of this article places Matthew 18 quotations, as the reader may have noticed. The reason is that the reference is not to the entire chapter but only to the well known verses 15 to 18 which read as follows: “And if thy brother sin against thee, go, show […]

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Love and Sentiment

“Love is a good word with commendable and ancient history that is perilously close to its last hour in our times. “Love” as a word received its highest meaning as a consequence of God the Father’s offering of his Son to satisfy divine justice on Calvary. The reflection of this love was found in the early […]

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Without Creation No Education

The burden of the previous article was that unless we strive to formulate and understand the basic ideas that necessitate Christian schools, these schools may serve a City that is not God’s or a Kingdom that is not Christ’s. Are there really basic tenets that demand Christian schools? Thousands of Christians, both in Europe and […]

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The major part of Matthew 5 and the first part of Matthew 6 are directed against the false teachings and erroneous practices of the Pharisees. Jesus now begins to warn his people against the evil attitudes and practices of men generally. First of all he calls attention to the acquisition of possessions. A sizable percentage […]

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The Reformed Faith in Korea

Korean author Kyung Cho Chung says in his book, Korea Tomorrow, “Just  as Buddhism and Confucianism came to Korea with the combined philosophical prestige of India and China, so Christianity brought the modern influence, together with Western Culture.” There is no doubt of the powerful impact this influx from the West made on Korea. In the […]

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“The Unity and Disunity of the Church”

The book mentioned in the heading of this article is a Wm. B. Eerdmans publication. Its author is Dr. G.W. Bromiley, an evangelical Anglican, and a recent addition to the Faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary. This is an important book. It reveals wide learning and deals with a subject which holds first place in the […]

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The Status of Calvinism in Australia and its Prospects

When last year the Editor asked me (Prof. Runia–Ed.) to write all article on the Status and Prospects of Calvinism in Australia, I gladly accepted this opportunity to inform the American readers about the situation in this part of the world. At the same time I asked permission to include in this article the view of […]

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