“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” Ephesians 6:17 The helmet is the only article in the military equipment of ancient soldiers which has survived to […]
“CHRIST IS RISEN! Hallelujah!” This is the triumphant song of every Bible-believing Christian, not only on Easter Sunday but on every Lord’s Day and whenever his thoughts turn to the foundation of his faith. But can we believe Christ’s resurrection without the slightest tinge of doubt? Can we be absolutely sure of it? It is […]
It was Carlyle, in his famous book “On heroes and hero-worship”, who described his heroes as being first of all men of sincerity. “I should say sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any way heroic.” He meant by it “not the sincerity, that calls itself sincere”; hut that sincere conviction […]
Since this collected works of Benjamin Warfield are not readily accessible to all of our Reformed people, it is a pleasure to announce the appearance of a new anthology, or selections, of Warfield’s most famous theological studies under the title: Biblical Foundations. In this volume the erstwhile professor of polemical theology at Princeton is presented in […]
Read Matthew 25:30; 25:41; Revelation 20:10; 20:15 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF HELL There have always been people with a very vivid imagination. Some of them are adept at picturing the macaber. Whatever is gruesome to behold is their field of specialization, and they portray it in great detail. They wiII draw pictures of hell as if they […]
Read John 14:1–4; Deuteronomy 33:27a In the heart of God’s child there is a longing, yes even a need, for the everlasting home. As he grows older and loses a devout mother, trusting sister, witness-bearing father, loyal and loving wife, etc., his attention is drawn away from the earth and fixed upon heaven. He may […]
Read I John 3:1–3 With respect to the believer’s final bliss many questions reach the minister. Some of these apply also to the intermediate state, for, as we remarked earlier, it is not always possible to separate these two. 1. IN THE NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH WHAT WILL BE OUR RELATION TO THE ANGELS? With […]
Read I Peter 3:8–16; 4:7–11; 5:8, 9 There are those who maintain that the study of the doctrine of the last things takes us too far away from our duty in the here and now. This need not be true. In fact, if these truths are seen in their proper, biblical contexts they become a […]
NOTE No. 5 What is wrong with a Uf good educational program? It seems to be this: we have lost sight to an extent of the two covenantal demands which our Lord holds before us. Genesis 12:1–3 is a very instructive passage for us. When the Lord covenanted with Abraham he placed two demands before […]
QUESTION: We hear so much nowadays about the American home going to pieces and parents losing control of their children. It all sounds so bad. Do you think it is so bad? I am asking this question for a discussion group of which I am a member. ANSWER: I believe the American home pattern has undergone […]