Blessed Be God!

“Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ; even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love: having foreordained us unto adoption […]

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Laymen Who Think

A Pressing Need The Christian layman is gradually coming into his own. In all denominations he is playing an increasingly important role in Kingdom work. The activities in which Christian workers of our day engage are so numerous that unless their ranks include a very large number of laymen many fields of Christian service must remain unoccupied. […]

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Bible Story Time…in the home

Too Familiar? The youngest child took the last lick of ice cream from his spoon. Father reached for the Bible story book and opened it to where he had left off at the last reading. “In the city of Capernaum there was a very sick man. He lay on his bed all the time. He could not […]

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Are You a “Rational Animal”?

Jiminy Cricket is a well known animated character on T.V. Mickey Mouse program. He is an interesting little professor lifted from the story of Pinocchio to give fascinating lectures on the wonders of nature. These lessons often deal with such marvels of the human body as the ear, eye, or heart. The interesting little professor does an […]

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Signs of the Times

The Great Apostasy Outline V From your Bible read Luke 17:26–37 We have learned that the Gospel Age, during which the message of salvation is proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, will be followed by days of unprecedented distress. The reason why these days will be days of great […]

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The Christian Student at a Christian College

Representatives of the Board of Trustees, Calvin Seminary, Calvin Alumni Association, Faculty Members, fellow students, and Friends of Calvin College: This faculty student convocation marks the official beginning of the academic year 1957–1958 at Calvin College. September college convocations have become an American national institution. At some 1800 colleges and universities, presidents and deans will, during […]

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Book Reviews

DROGENDUK, A.C. Man en Vrouw Voor en I n het Huwelijk 6th ed. Kampen, J. H. Kak, 1955. 221 pp. f. 5.90. The Christian public can be thankful that out of the recent deluge of literature on the subject of the sexual life there has come a number of books from the Christian side that […]

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