By Shannon Guerra Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. 92 pages. Paperback. In Upside Down, Shannon Guerra gives to the reader a beautiful, insightful, and illustrative explanation of the joys, challenges, pains, and adjustment issues that adoptive families go through, all in the process of seeking to show unconditional Christian love to adoptive children. Drawing […]

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Book Review: Called to Watch for Christ’s Return

Martyn McGeown. Called to Watch for Christ’s Return. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2016. xviii, 286 pp. (includes textual index). Paperback. With all the natural and governmental upheaval of our times, many are asking if this is because Christ is about to return. Of course, there are those who readily try to give a […]

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Love & Hate

On August 12, 2017, an event occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, that temporarily rocked the United States. It turned out to be a riot on the campus of the University of Virginia. It was a clash between white supremacists, neo- Nazis, racists, and sundry other groups, either protesting or protecting the statue of Robert E. Lee, […]

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In our last article, we noted several kings of Israel and Judah who were mentioned by name in various extra-biblical ancient Near Eastern writings. Of those kings singled out was Heze-kiah, son of Ahaz, who reigned from 716–687 B.C.1 Hezekiah’s time was in many ways the true golden age of the kingdom of Judah. Jerusalem […]

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Last time we began looking at the Primary or Internal Dominant Domains™ of IRBC’s philosophical model of counseling. We considered the first two, which are the Spiritual and Mental Domains. In this article we will be introduced to the final three: the Emotional, Social, and Bodily Domains.™ The Emotional Domain™ When evaluating counselees for problems […]

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A Thousand Years

Much of the end-times disagreement among believers stems from differing interpretations of the millennium of Revelation 20. Regrettably, debate over the millennium is often the sum of what Christians understand to be the end times. As suggested previously, our view of the millennium is not our eschatology but merely an aspect of it. Our apprehension […]

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The Armor of God: The Call to Arms Against Satan

The Armor of God: The Call to Arms Against Satan In Ephesians 6, Paul preaches the necessity of Christians being strong in Christ against Satan (v. 10). We call this “spiritual warfare.” That might sound to some of us downright charismatic or Pentecostal! But make no mistake about it; the apostle calls us to this warfare, […]

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Editorial: Choosing Bible Study Materials

There seems to be no shortage of options when shopping around for Bible study materials. Publishers and retailers provide a host of materials originating from a host of theological convictions. There is quite an array of Bible study books written by Reformed teachers and authors as well. How do you, and how does your church, […]

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How to Do Family Worship

How to Do Family Worship Family worship has fallen on hard times. Parents often say they are too busy to do it. Or else they don’t know how to do it because their parents never did it. When my parents commemorated their fiftieth anniversary, all five of us children decided to express thanks to our […]

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